Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ FAQs/ How Do I Collect SDK Logs?
Updated on 2022-07-11 GMT+08:00

How Do I Collect SDK Logs?

Collecting Android SDK Logs

If the log storage path has not been changed during SDK initialization, the default log path is /sdcard/Android/data/Application_package_name/files/log. You can use the file management tool on your device to pack the entire log directory. You can also use adb to obtain log files. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Connect your mobile phone to a computer using a USB cable, enable the developer mode on the mobile phone, open the Command Prompt window, type adb devices, and press Enter to check whether your mobile phone is connected to the computer.
  2. Enter the adb pull Log path Target path, and press Enter.

    Figure 1 Obtaining log using the CLI

  3. Find the SDK logs in the D:\log\log directory.

    Figure 2 Log directory

Obtaining iOS SDK Logs

  1. Open the Xcode, and choose Window > Devices and Simulators from the menu bar.

    Figure 3 Downloading the file

  2. Right-click the file downloaded in 1 and choose Show Package Contents from the shortcut menu.

    Figure 4 Choosing Show Package Contents

  3. View logs in the displayed package contents.

    Figure 5 Log path

Obtaining Windows SDK Logs

If you have customized a log storage path, obtain logs from that path. If the default log path is used, perform the following steps to obtain logs:

  1. Open File Explorer, enter %appdata% in the address bar, and press Enter.

    Figure 6 File Manager

  2. Find the HwmSdk directory. The SDK logs are stored in HwmSdk\log.

    Figure 7 HwmSdk directory

Obtaining macOS SDK Logs

  1. Go to Finder and choose Go > Go to Folder.

  2. Enter the path.

    If App Sandbox is enabled, the log path is:

    ~/Library/Containers/ Support/HWMUISDKNativeDemo

    If App Sandbox is disabled, the log path is:

    ~/Library/Application Support/HWMUISDKNativeDemo

  3. Open the Logs folder and find the logs of the corresponding module.