Updated on 2022-07-11 GMT+08:00

60.8.1 Updates

1. Added the app ID during initialization. The enterprise app ID can be passed.

An app ID set during initialization can be used for login. The app ID must be applied for from the meeting server.

For details, see 8. Initialize the SDK.

2. Added the following APIs: app ID login, meeting scheduling, meeting editing, meeting list query, meeting details query, and meeting cancellation.

The following is an example. For details about how to use the APIs, see APIs.

  • Added the APIs.
         * Log in using an app ID.
        void loginByAppId(AppIdAuthParam appidAuthParam, HwmCallback<LoginResult> callback);
         * Schedule a meeting.
        void bookConf(BookConfParam bookConfParam, HwmCallback<ConfInfo> hwmCallback);
         * Edit a meeting.
        void editConf(EditConfParam editConfParam, HwmCallback<Integer> hwmCallback);
        * Obtain the meeting list.
        List<ConfBaseInfo> getConfList();
        * Obtain meeting details by meeting ID.
        void getConfDetail(String confId, HwmCallback<ConfDetailModel> hwmCallback);
         * Cancel a scheduled meeting.
        void cancelConf(String confId, HwmCallback<Integer> hwmCallback);
         * Obtain the VMR list. You can schedule a meeting in a VMR.
        void getVmrList(HwmCallback<List<VmrInfoModel>> hwmCallback);
         * Modify VMR information.
        void changeVmrInfo(HwmChangeVmrInfo hwmChangeVmrInfo, HwmCallback<Integer> hwmCallback);

3. Added the APIs for configuring whether to enable HD priority and whether to enable the camera and microphone when answering a call.

For details, see Enabling or Disabling HD Video First for a Video Meeting and Enabling or Disabling the Camera and Microphone in a Meeting.

4. Added the parameter to specify whether to enable recording during meeting creation.

For details, see Scenario 6: Creating a Meeting.