Updated on 2025-03-14 GMT+08:00

What Is Huawei Cloud FlexusL?


Huawei Cloud Flexus, the next-generation out-of-the-box cloud service family, is especially designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and developers. Huawei Cloud Flexus L Instance (FlexusL) is a cloud server product in the Huawei Cloud Flexus family.

FlexusL is a next-generation lightweight cloud server product designed for SMEs and developers. FlexusL provides a wide range of images for you to quickly deploy applications. It is suitable for medium- and light-load scenarios such as website setup, development and testing environments, enterprise applications, website analysis, and audio and video scenarios. It is secure, cost-effective, and easy to use and maintain.

FlexusL is suitable for new users of cloud computing services, individual developers, and small and medium-sized enterprises that want to deploy simple applications on cloud servers.

FlexusL Advantages

  • Multiple high-quality application images are preconfigured as templates. They can be used to easily deploy applications.
  • A one-stop resource management console makes O&M easy. It can display resource status for you to quickly learn service status, from the global to the region, for easy O&M.
  • The Huawei Cloud QingTian architecture with hardware-software synergy and top-flight AI algorithms ensures that there is no freezing and the latency is extremely low when users are playing games and audios or videos.
  • You can also purchase service packages to enjoy great performance at lower prices compared with the services you have purchased separately.

Application Scenarios

FlexusL is designed for lightweight and light-load scenarios, such as small websites, web applications, blogs, forums, and cloud development environments.

  • E-commerce store management: quickly setting up and managing e-commerce stores and providing stable, high-quality services for customers around the globe
  • Website setup: using application templates to quickly build websites, such as enterprise official websites, news, blogs, forums, and e-commerce websites
  • Mini game development: quickly rolling out standalone PC games and casual games with stable performance
  • Development and testing: running development and testing projects and scheduled and automatic tasks on the cloud
  • Cloud-based learning: conducting experiments, writing papers, and studying on the cloud
  • Blog and forum setup: creating blogs and forums easily and cost-effectively for individual developers


A FlexusL instance is a package of resources that include cloud servers, EVS disks, EIPs, CBR vaults, and HSS. They can provide compute, network, storage, image installation, and backup capabilities. Resources that can be packaged in a FlexusL instance are listed in the following table. For details about instance specifications, see Instance Specifications.



Cloud servers

A cloud server uses the x86 architecture and KVM virtualization. It uses the same underlying hardware resources and delivers the same compute performance as an ECS with the same specifications.


FlexusL provides OS images, application images, and private images for you to choose from.


  • A fixed elastic IP address (EIP) is assigned to a FlexusL instance and a monthly data package is provided by default.
  • By default, a fixed private IP address is allocated to a FlexusL instance.

Elastic Volume Service (EVS) disks

EVS provides storage space for FlexusL instances.

Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR) vaults

You can use CBR to back up all EVS disks (including system and data disks) and restore data from backups.

Host Security Service (HSS)

With intrusion detection, vulnerability management, baseline inspection, and asset management functions, HSS makes it easier to protect the instance against risks.

Cloud Eye

After you purchase a FlexusL instance, Cloud Eye is enabled by default. It can monitor the cloud servers, EVS disks, and CBR vaults packaged in the FlexusL instances.


A FlexusL instance is actually a package of resources. Resources in the package cannot be disassociated from the FlexusL instance. They have the same lifecycle as the FlexusL instance and are renewed or unsubscribed from together with the package.

Resources packaged in a FlexusL instance are those purchased on the FlexusL console. Resources purchased on other service consoles (such as CBR or HSS console) can be disassociated from FlexusL instances and can be deleted or unsubscribed from separately.

FlexusL only supports the yearly/monthly billing mode. Any traffic usage in excess of the package is billed by traffic. For details, see Overview.

Differences Among Cloud Server Products

Huawei Cloud Flexus provides the following cloud server products for you to choose from:

  • A FlexusL instance is a package of resources that include cloud servers, EVS disks, EIPs, CBR vaults, and HSS. Resources in the package are created and managed as a whole. FlexusL instances provide various images to help you quickly set up service environments. FlexusL instances are easy to use and are friendly to beginners in cloud computing.
  • FlexusX is a next-generation flexible compute cloud server service designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and developers. FlexusX offers similar functions to ECS. It also supports flexible vCPU/memory ratios. Compared with FlexusL, FlexusX offers more public images and more flexible specifications.
  • An ECS instance can run high-load applications. It provides multiple billing modes, flavor types, image types, and disk types. You can customize ECS configurations for different service scenarios.

For details among their differences, see What Are the Differences Among FlexusL, FlexusX, and ECS?

Access Modes

You can access FlexusL instances using a web-based management console.

If you have signed up for Huawei Cloud, log in to the management console, choose Compute > Huawei Cloud Flexus and click Flexus L Instance to access the FlexusL console.

If you have not signed up for Huawei Cloud, sign up for a HUAWEI ID. For details, see Registering a HUAWEI ID and Enabling Huawei Cloud Services.