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Centro de ayuda> Elastic Volume Service> Descripción general del servicio> Diferencias entre una copia de respaldo de un disco de EVS y una instantánea de EVS
Actualización más reciente 2023-04-03 GMT+08:00

Diferencias entre una copia de respaldo de un disco de EVS y una instantánea de EVS

Tanto la copia de respaldo en disco de EVS como la instantánea de EVS proporcionan redundancias para los datos de disco de EVS para mejorar la confiabilidad. Tabla 1 enumera las diferencias entre ellos.

Tabla 1 Differences between backups and snapshots


Storage Solution

Data Synchronization

DR Range

Service Recovery


Backup data is stored in OBS, instead of disks. This ensures data restoration upon disk data loss or corruption.

A backup is the data copy of a disk at a given point in time. CBR supports automatic backup by configuring backup policies. Deleting a disk will not clear its backups.

A backup and its source disk reside in the same AZ.

Data can be recovered and services can be restored by restoring the backup data to original disks or creating new disks from backups, ensuring excellent data reliability.


Snapshot data is stored with disk data.


Creating a backup requires a certain amount of time because data needs to be transferred. Therefore, creating or rolling back a snapshot consumes less time than creating a backup.

A snapshot is the state of a disk at a specific point in time. If a disk is deleted, all the snapshots created for this disk will also be deleted. If you have reinstalled or changed the server OS, snapshots of the system disk are automatically deleted. Snapshots of the data disks can be used as usual.

A snapshot and its source disk reside in the same AZ.

You can use a snapshot to roll back its original disk or create a disk for data restoration and service recovery.