Updated on 2023-09-01 GMT+08:00


This topic describes CPH billing items and billing modes.

Billing Items

Figure 1 shows the CPH billing items.

Figure 1 Billing items
Table 1 Billing items

Billing Item



Billing Mode


You obtain cloud phones only after purchasing a server. You pay for all resources on the server.

  • Server for general-purpose cloud phones: CPU, memory, and local disk
  • Server for gaming cloud phones: CPU, memory, local disk, and cloud mobile gaming access software

Resource prices may vary by region. The actual prices are subject to those displayed on the management console. For details about how to select a region, see Region and AZ.


(Optional) EIP

If the number of EIPs is not 0 in the instance specifications, pay for the EIP traffic or bandwidth. The billing standard varies depending on the bandwidth type.

  • Dedicated bandwidth: billed based on total traffic irrespective of usage duration; configurable maximum bandwidth size
  • Shared bandwidth: billed based on the bandwidth size by hour

For details, see Price Calculator.

Take CN-Hong Kong as an example. The billing standard of the shared bandwidth is $ 0.034 USD/Mbit/s. If you purchase a 50 Mbit/s bandwidth, the price is:

0.034 x 50 = 1.7 (USD/hour)

Pay per use

(Optional) EVS disk

physical.kg1.4xlarge.cp, physical.kg1.4xlarge.cg, physical.rx2.32xlarge.4 and physical.rx3.32xlarge.4 servers do not have local disks. By default, the system purchases one or more ultra-high I/O EVS disks that will be billed based on the disk capacity by hour.

For details, see Price Calculator.

Take CN-Hong Kong as an example. The billing standard of ultra-high I/O EVS disks is $0.0004 USD/hour/GB. If you purchase a physical.rx2.32xlarge.4 server, the price is:

0.0004 x 400 x 3 = 0.48 (USD/hour)

400 indicates the EVS disk capacity. 3 indicates the number of EVS disks.

Pay per use

Billing Mode

The cloud phone servers are billed in yearly/monthly mode and do not support the pay-per-use mode. If you want to use CPH for a long time, purchase them by year to save more.


To renew a cloud phone server, locate it and click Renew in the upper left corner of the server list. Complete the renewal on the displayed Renew page. For more information about renewal, including auto-renewal, exporting the renewal list, and changing subscriptions, see Renewal Management.

The EIPs and EVS disks associated with cloud phones are billed on a pay-per-use basis. Ensure that your account balance is sufficient to prevent the resources from being frozen and unavailable due to arrears.

Stopping Billing

If you want to stop being charged for the EIP or EVS disk associated with your cloud phone server, you must unsubscribe from the server.