Updated on 2023-09-18 GMT+08:00


You can view the resource usage and bills for a different billing cycles on the Bills page in the Billing Center.

Bill Generation

Transaction records for yearly/monthly subscriptions are generated immediately after being paid for.

A pay-per-use DB instance is billed by the hour, day, or month, depending on the DB instance's usage type. For details, see Bill Run for Pay-per-Use Resources.

You are not charged immediately after a record is generated. For example, if a pay-per-use DB instance (which is billed on an hourly basis) is deleted at 08:30, you will still have expenditures for the 08:00 to 09:00 hour. However, but you will not likely be billed for the 08:00 to 09:00 hour until about 10:00. On the Bills page of the Billing Center, select the Bill Details tab. Expenditure Time in the bill indicates the time when the pay-per-use resource is used.

Viewing Bills of a Specific Resource

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page, choose Databases > GaussDB(for MySQL).
  4. On the Instances page, click your instance name to go to the Basic Information page.
  5. Click the icon shown in the figure below to copy the instance name.

    Figure 1 Copying the instance name

  6. On the top menu bar, choose Billing & Costs > Bills. The Bills page is displayed.
  7. On the Bill Details tab, select Resource Name as the filter criteria, enter the obtained instance name, and click the icon.

    Figure 2 Searching for a bill

    By default, the bill details are displayed by usage and billing cycle. You can choose other display options as required. For details, see Bills.

Checking the Consistency of the Actual Usage and Billed Usage

Assume that you purchased a pay-per-use DB instance at 10:09:06 on April 8, 2023 and deleted it later that day, at 12:09:06.

  • Transaction Records

    Pay-per-use DB instance usage is calculated by the second and but billed on an hourly basis. You can check the transaction records against the actual usage. The billed resources are billed separately. Take storage as an example. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 GaussDB(for MySQL) transaction records

    Service Type

    GaussDB(for MySQL)

    Resource Type


    Billing Mode


    Expenditure Time

    For the period of time from 10:09:06 to 12:09:06 on April 8, 2023, 3 transaction records would be generated for the resource usage in the following periods:

    • 10:09:06 - 11:00:00
    • 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
    • 12:00:00 -12:09:06

    List Price

    List price on the official website = Usage x Unit price x Capacity

    The DB instance was used for 3,054 seconds in the first period, and the unit price can be obtained on the GaussDB(for MySQL) Pricing Details.

    For example, if the storage was $0.000822 USD/GB/hour. The list price for the first period = (3054 ÷ 3600) x 0.000822 x 40 = $0.0278932 USD. Similarly, you can calculate the storage list price for the other periods.

    Discounted Amount

    Discounts offered for cloud services, for example, commercial discounts, partner authorized discounts, and promotional discounts. It is the discounted amount based on the list price.

    Truncated Amount

    Huawei Cloud billing is calculated to the 8th decimal place.

    However, the amount due is truncated to the 2nd decimal place. The third and later decimal places are referred to as the truncated amounts.

    From June 2021, the amounts before bill generation are no longer truncated. Only the total amount shown in the monthly bill is rounded off to the 2nd decimal place.

    Take the first period as an example. The truncated amount is $0.0078932 USD.

    Amount Due

    Amount due = List price – Discount amount – Truncated amount

    Take the first period as an example. If the discount amount is 0, the amount due is $0.02 USD (0.0278932 – 0 – 0.0078932).

  • GaussDB(for MySQL) bill details

    Bill details can display in multiple ways. By default, the bill details of a resource are displayed by usage and by billing cycle. Table 2 illustrates the GaussDB(for MySQL) DB instance bill details, which can be used to check against the actual usage.

    Table 2 GaussDB(for MySQL) bill details

    Service Type

    GaussDB(for MySQL)

    Resource Type


    Billing Mode


    Resource Name/ID

    Specific DB instance name and ID.

    Example: gauss-ec81, df37e4ff6a2d4600b923e2a6555a6d70in07.volume



    Usage Type

    Duration for a pay-per-use DB instance

    Unit Price

    When pay-per-use billing is used, the unit price is only provided if the amount is equal to the usage multiplied by the unit price. No unit price is provided in other pricing modes, for example, tiered pricing.

    You can search for the unit price for pay-per-use DB instances on the GaussDB(for MySQL) Pricing Details page.


    Displayed on the GaussDB(for MySQL) Pricing Details page. Example: USD/GB/hour


    Depends on the unit of the unit price, which is USD/GB/hour. Storage usage is billed by the hour. Example: 2 hours.

    Usage Unit


    List Price

    List price on the official website = Usage x Unit price x Capacity

    The DB instance was used for 2 hours in total, and the unit price was obtained on the GaussDB(for MySQL) Pricing Details page. The list price = 2 x 0.000822 x 40 = $0.06576 USD (The storage was 40 GB and unit price was $0.000822 USD/GB/hour)

    Discounted Amount

    Discounts offered for cloud services, for example, commercial discounts, partner authorized discounts, and promotional discounts. It is the discounted amount based on the list price.

    Amount Due

    Amount that should be paid for used cloud services after discounts are applied.