Updated on 2024-05-13 GMT+08:00

Yearly/Monthly Billing

Yearly/Monthly billing is a prepaid billing mode in which you pay before using resources. It is suitable when your resource requirements are fixed because you can pay less by using longer. This section describes the billing rules for yearly/monthly CloudTable resources.

Application Scenario

In yearly/monthly billing mode, you need to pay for a required duration in advance. This mode is suitable for long-term and relatively fixed service requirements. The yearly/monthly billing mode is recommended for the following scenarios:

  • Long-term workloads with stable resource requirements, such as official websites, online malls, and blogs.
  • Long-term projects, such as scientific research projects and large-scale events.
  • Workloads with predictable traffic bursts, for example, e-commerce promotions or festivals.

Billed Items

You are billed for the following items on a yearly/monthly basis.

Table 1 Billing items




Compute specifications of a node


Storage specifications and capacity of a node


Number of nodes

If you want to purchase a(n) HBase/ClickHouse cluster, the price will be displayed at the bottom of the page, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1 Example prices for an HBase cluster

Figure 2 Example prices for a ClickHouse cluster

You are charged for:

  • Node quantity
  • Storage specifications

Billing Usage Period

A yearly/monthly CloudTable instance is billed for the purchased duration. The billing starts when you activated or renewed the subscription, and ends at 23:59:59 of the expiry date.

For example, if you purchased a one-month CloudTable instance on March 08, 2023, 15:50:04, the billed usage period is from March 08, 2023, 15:50:04 to April 08, 2023, 23:59:59.

Billing Examples

Suppose you purchased an instance on March 8, 2023, 15:50:04. The charged resources include compute units and data storage. Assume the subscription is for one month, and will be manually renewed for one month before it expires:

  • The first billing period: Mar 08, 2023, 15:50:04–Apr 08, 2023, 23:59:59
  • The second billing period: Apr 08, 2023, 23:59:59–May 08, 2023, 23:59:59

You must prepay for each billing period. Table 2 shows the billing formula.

Table 2 Formulas for billing yearly/monthly clusters



Unit Price


Unit price of node specifications x Required duration x Number of nodes

The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.


Data storage unit price x Data storage capacity x Number of nodes x Required duration

The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.

The prices in the figure are just examples. The actual prices are those displayed on the Billing Center.

Figure 3 Total price for a yearly/monthly HBase
Figure 4 Total price for a yearly/monthly ClickHouse

Impact on Billing After Specification Change

If the specifications of a yearly/monthly CloudTable instance no longer meet your needs, you can change the specifications on the console. The system will recalculate the price and either bill or refund you the difference.

  • HBase configuration change: horizontal scale-out.
  • ClickHouse configuration change: horizontal scale-out, disk capacity expansion, and specification change.

Impacts of Expiration

Figure 5 shows the statuses a yearly/monthly CloudTable resource can go through throughout its lifecycle. After an instance is purchased, it enters the valid period and runs normally during this period. If the instance is not renewed after it expires, before being deleted, it first enters a grace period and then a retention period.

Figure 5 Lifecycle of a yearly/monthly CloudTable instance

Expiration Reminder

From the 7th day before a yearly/monthly CloudTable instance expires, the system will send an expiration reminder to the creator of the Huawei Cloud account by email, SMS, and internal message.

Impact After Expiration

If your yearly/monthly CloudTable instance is not renewed after it expires, it changes to the Expired state and enters a grace period. During this period, you can still access CloudTable.

If the yearly/monthly CloudTable instance is not renewed after the grace period ends, its status turns to Frozen and it enters a retention period. You cannot perform any operations on the resource while it is in the retention period.

If the yearly/monthly CloudTable instance is not renewed by the time the retention period ends, the compute resources (vCPUs and memory), EVS disks, and EIPs will be released and data cannot be restored.

  • For details about renewal, see Overview.