Updated on 2024-05-13 GMT+08:00

Pay-per-Use Billing

Pay-per-use is a billing mode where you pay after using the resources. This billing mode does not require you to make any prepayments or long-term commitments. This section describes the billing rules for pay-per-use CloudTable resources.

Application Scenario

Pay-per-use billing is good for short-term, burst, or unpredictable workloads that cannot tolerate any interruption.

Billed Items

Pay-per-use billing includes the following billing items:

  • HBase
    Table 1 HBase billing items




    Compute specifications of a node


    Storage specifications and capacity of a node


    Number of nodes

    If you want to purchase an HBase cluster, the price will be displayed at the bottom of the page, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Example prices for an HBase cluster

  • ClickHouse
    Table 2 ClickHouse billing items




    Compute specifications of a node


    Storage specifications and capacity of a node


    Number of nodes

    If you want to purchase a ClickHouse cluster, the price will be displayed at the bottom of the page, as shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 Example prices for a ClickHouse cluster

    You are charged for:

    • Node quantity
    • Storage specifications

Billing Usage Period

Pay-per-use CloudTable usage is calculated by the second and billed every hour. The billing starts when a cluster is created and ends when the cluster is deleted.

It takes some time to launch an instance. The billing starts from the Launched time on the ECS Summary page.

For example, if you purchased a pay-per-use cluster at 8:45:30 and deleted it at 8:55:30, you are billed for the 600 seconds from 8:45:30 to 8:55:30.

Billing Examples

Suppose you purchased a cluster with a bandwidth of 6Mbit/s on April 18, 2023, 9:59:30 and deleted it on April 18, 2023, 10:45:46. (The charged resources include compute resources, such as vCPU and memory, and bandwidth.)

  1. The first billing period is from 9:00:00 to 10:00:00. Fees are generated from 9:59:30 to 10:00:00. The billing duration is 30 seconds within the period.
  2. The second billing period is from 10:00:00 to 11:00:00. Fees are generated from 10:00:00 to 10:45:46. The billing duration is 2,746 seconds within the period.

You are billed for both usage periods. ECS resources are billed individually as described in Table 2. The price displayed in the pricing details is per hour, so you need to divide it by 3,600 to obtain the price for each second and then multiple the per-second price by the total number of seconds.

  • HBase billing examples
    Table 3 Billing formulas



    Unit Price


    Unit price of node specifications x Required duration x Number of nodes

    The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.


    Data storage unit price x Data storage capacity x Number of nodes x Required duration

    The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.

    Figure 3 shows how the total price is calculated.

    The prices in the figure are just examples. The actual prices are those displayed on the Billing Center.

    Figure 3 CloudTable HBase cluster billing examples
  • ClickHouse billing examples
    Table 4 Billing formulas



    Unit Price


    Unit price of node specifications x Required duration x Number of nodes

    The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.


    Data storage unit price x Data storage capacity x Number of nodes x Required duration

    The actual fee depends on the price displayed on the console.

    Figure 4 shows how the total price is calculated.

    The prices in the figure are just examples. The actual prices are those displayed on Figure 4.

    Figure 4 ClickHouse billing examples

Impact on Billing After Specification Change

If you change the specifications of a pay-per-use cluster, the original order will become invalid and a new order will be placed. You will be billed based on the new specifications.

If you change specifications within a given hour, multiple records will be generated. Different bills record the billing for different specifications.
  • HBase and ClickHouse clusters are charged by hour. The smallest billing unit for compute unit usage is one hour, and partial hours are counted as full hours.
  • Periodic Settlement of Pay-per-Use Products:
    • Settlement by hour: Huawei Cloud calculates the fee based on your usage every hour and deducts the fee from your account. For example, fees incurred from 8:00 to 9:00 are usually deducted before 10:00.
    • Settlement by month: Huawei Cloud calculates the fee based on your usage and deducts the fee of the month at the beginning of the next month. For example, fees incurred from 00:00:00 on April 1, 2019 to 23:59:59 on April 30, 2019 are usually deducted at about 01:00:00 on May 1, 2019.

Impacts of Arrears

Figure 5 shows the statuses a pay-per-use CloudTable instance can have throughout its lifecycle. After purchasing a resource, it remains operational throughout the billing cycle. This can be referred to as the validity period. If your account is in arrears, the resource enters the grace period and then the retention period.

Figure 5 Lifecycle of a pay-per-use CloudTable resource

Arrears notifications

The system will bill you for pay-per-use resources after each billing cycle ends. If your account goes into arrears, we will notify you by email, SMS, or in-app message.

Impact of arrears

If your account is insufficient to pay your amount due, your account goes into arrears, and the pay-per-use CloudTable resource enters the grace period. You need to pay the fees of your pay-per-use resource incurred during the grace period. You can click Billing in the upper right corner and check the fees on the Overview page. Huawei Cloud will deduct the fees after you top up your account.

If you do not bring your account balance current before the grace period expires, the resource status turns to Frozen and it enters a retention period. You cannot perform any operations on a pay-per-use resource in the Frozen status.

After the retention period ends, the compute resources and EIPs will be released and data cannot be restored.