Help Center/ Meeting/ Purchase Guide/ Recommended Subscription Plans
Updated on 2022-04-12 GMT+08:00

Recommended Subscription Plans

You can learn the packages of the Huawei Cloud Meeting service and select a plan based on the typical application scenario in your enterprise.

Cloud Meeting Room


Regular meetings with relatively fixed number of participants

Sales mode

  • Cloud meeting rooms
  • Cloud meeting rooms + Professional hard terminals + Hard terminal access accounts

Maximum number of participants in a meeting

Defined by the number of parties in the purchased cloud meeting room package

Maximum number of ongoing meetings

Defined by the number of purchased cloud meeting rooms

Permissions for creating meetings

Only the administrator of a cloud meeting room can create meetings in the cloud meeting room.

Capacity expansion

You can purchase a cloud meeting room with a larger capacity.


  • You can hold fixed meetings using stable meeting resources.
  • Participant quotas of cloud meeting rooms are fixed and cannot be accumulated.

Regular Meetings with Fixed Number of Participants

Recommended mode: cloud meeting room

Rules: The number of online participants in a meeting held in a cloud meeting room cannot exceed the participant quota of the cloud meeting room regardless of whether you have purchased other cloud meeting rooms.

Number of online participants in a meeting = Number of soft clients (mobile phones or computers) + Number of hard terminals

Number of online participants in a meeting ≤ Participant quota of the cloud meeting room used to hold the meeting


An enterprise has purchased one 50-participant cloud meeting room, one 100-participant cloud meeting room, and 3 hard terminal access accounts.

The enterprise can have only two meetings (meetings A and B) at the same time. For example, if meeting A is held in the 50-participant cloud meeting room, the number of online participants in meeting A must be less than or equal to 50. If meeting B is held in the 100-participant cloud meeting room, the number of online participants in user B must be less than or equal to 100.