Updated on 2022-08-12 GMT+08:00

Configuring Periodical Alarm and Audit Information Backup


Modify the related configuration file to periodically back up the alarm, audit information of FusionInsight Manager and service audit information of to the specified storage location.

The backup can be performed using FTP or SFTP. FTP does not encrypt data, which may cause potential security risks. Therefore, SFTP is recommended.


  1. Log in to the active management node using the active management IP address as user omm.

    Perform this operation only on the active management node. This operation is not supported on the standby management node.

  2. Run the following command to go to the related directory:

    cd ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/om/sbin

  3. Run the following command to configure periodically the alarm, audit information of FusionInsight Manager and service audit information backup:

    ./setNorthBound.sh -t Information type -i Remote server IP address -p SFTP or FTP port used by the server -u Username -d Save path -c Interval (minute) -m Number of information records in each file -s Flag for enabling or disabling backup -e Specified protocol


    ./setNorthBound.sh -t alarm -i -p 22 -u sftpuser -d /tmp/ -c 10 -m 100 -s true -e sftp

    This script will modify the alarm information backup configuration file alarm_collect_upload.properties. The file save path is ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/tomcat/webapps/web/WEB-INF/classes/config.

    ./setNorthBound.sh -t audit -i -p 22 -u sftpuser -d /tmp/ -c 10 -m 100 -s true -e sftp

    This script will modify the audit information backup configuration file audit_collect_upload.properties. The file save path is ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/tomcat/webapps/web/WEB-INF/classes/config.

    ./setNorthBound.sh -t service_audit -i -p 22 -u sftpuser -d /tmp/ -c 10 -m 100 -s true -e sftp

    This script will modify the service audit information backup configuration file service_audit_collect_upload.properties. The file save path is ${BIGDATA_HOME}/om-server/tomcat/webapps/web/WEB-INF/classes/config.

  4. Enter the password as prompted. The password is encrypted and saved in the configuration file.

    Please input sftp/ftp server password:

  5. If the following information is displayed, the operation is successful. The configuration file will be automatically synchronized to the standby management node.

    execute command syncfile successfully. 
    Config Succeed.