Help Center/ Distributed Message Service for Kafka/ FAQs/ Consumer Groups/ Why Does a Deleted Consumer Group Still Exist?
Updated on 2023-11-29 GMT+08:00

Why Does a Deleted Consumer Group Still Exist?

Possible cause: Automatic consumer group creation has been enabled and service code is connecting to the consumer group. Therefore, the consumer group is deleted but will be automatically re-created to consume messages until your service stops.

Solution: Disable automatic consumer group creation. To do so, go to the Kafka console, choose Parameters in the left navigation pane, locate the row that contains auto.create.groups.enable in the Dynamic Parameters area, click Edit, set the Current Value to false, and click Save. Then, delete the consumer group. auto.create.groups.enable is not displayed for some instances. For details, see the console. In this case, modify your service code to stop connecting to the consumer group. Then, delete the consumer group. For details about how to modify auto.create.groups.enable, see Modifying Kafka Parameters.