Updated on 2024-06-03 GMT+08:00

Audit Switch


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable or disable the audit thread. After the audit thread is enabled, the auditing information written by the background thread can be read from the pipe and written into audit files.

Parameter type: Boolean.

Unit: none

Value range:

  • on indicates that the auditing function is enabled.
  • off indicates that the auditing function is disabled.

Default value: on

Setting method: This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.


Parameter description: Specifies the storage directory of audit files. The path can be relative to the data directory. Only the sysadmin user can access this parameter.

This is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: a string

Default value: pg_audit. If om is used for cluster deployment, audit logs are stored in $GAUSSLOG/pg_audit/Instance name.

  • You need to set different audit file directories for different CNs or DNs. Otherwise, audit logs will be abnormal.
  • If the value of audit_directory in the configuration file is an invalid path, the audit function cannot be used.
  • Valid path: Users have read and write permissions on the path.
  • Invalid path: Users do not have read or write permission on the path.


Parameter description: Audits the format of log files. Currently, only the binary format is supported. Only the sysadmin user can access this parameter.

This is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: a string

Default value: binary


Parameter description: Specifies the interval of creating an audit log file. If the difference between the current time and the time when the previous audit log file is created is greater than the value of this parameter, a new audit log file will be generated.

This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to 35791394. The unit is min.

Default value: 1d

Do not adjust this parameter unless necessary. Otherwise, audit_resource_policy may fail to take effect. To control the storage space and time of audit logs, set the audit_resource_policy, audit_space_limit, and audit_file_remain_time parameters.


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum capacity of an audit log file. If the total number of messages in an audit log exceeds the value of this parameter, the server will generate a new audit log file.

This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 1024 to 1048576. The unit is KB.

Default value: 10 MB

  • Do not adjust this parameter unless necessary. Otherwise, audit_resource_policy may fail to take effect. To control the storage space and time of audit logs, set the audit_resource_policy, audit_space_limit, and audit_file_remain_time parameters.
  • If the space occupied by a single record in an audit log file exceeds the value of this parameter, the log file is regarded as an invalid log file.


Parameter description: Specifies the policy for determining whether audit logs are preferentially stored by space or time.

This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that audit logs are preferentially stored by space. A maximum of audit_space_limit logs can be stored.
  • off indicates that audit logs are preferentially stored by time. A minimum duration of audit_file_remain_time logs must be stored.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies the minimum duration required for recording audit logs. This parameter is valid only when audit_resource_policy is set to off.

This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 730. The unit is day. 0 indicates that the storage duration is not limited.

Default value: 90


Parameter description: Specifies the total disk space occupied by audit files.

Parameter type: integer.

Unit: KB

Value range: 1024 KB to 1024 GB

Default value: 1GB

Setting method: This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

  • This parameter takes effect only for a single process instance folder in the pg_audit directory. By default, the total disk space occupied by audit files on each CN or DN is 1 GB.
  • In the multi-audit thread scenario, the minimum disk space occupied by audit files is the product of values of audit_thread_num and audit_rotation_size. Ensure that the value of audit_space_limit is greater than the product of values of audit_thread_num and audit_rotation_size.


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of audit files in the audit directory.

Parameter type: integer.

Unit: none

Value range: an integer ranging from 100 to 1048576

Default value: 1048576

Setting method: This is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Setting suggestion: Retain the default value. For details, see the following notice.

  • Ensure that this parameter is set to 1048576. Do not adjust this parameter unless necessary. Otherwise, audit_resource_policy may fail to take effect. To control the storage space and time of audit logs, set the audit_resource_policy, audit_space_limit, and audit_file_remain_time parameters.
  • In the multi-audit thread scenario, do not adjust this parameter unless necessary. Ensure that the value of this parameter is greater than or equal to the value of audit_thread_num. Otherwise, the audit function cannot be used and the database is abnormal.


Parameter description: Specifies the number of threads used for auditing.

Parameter type: integer.

Unit: none

Value range: 1 to 48

Default value: 1

Setting method: This is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Setting suggestion: Retain the default value.
  • The larger the number of threads, the greater the impact on system performance.
  • The larger the number of threads, the more CPU and I/O resources are occupied.

When audit_dml_state is enabled and high performance is required, you are advised to increase the value of this parameter to ensure that audit messages can be processed and recorded in a timely manner.