Help Center/ Partner Center/ FAQs/ API/ Fine-Grained Authorization/ What Can I Do If the Error Code CBC.0151, Was Returned After I Added the Condition Key, billing:cloudServiceType?
Updated on 2024-05-30 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do If the Error Code CBC.0151, Was Returned After I Added the Condition Key, billing:cloudServiceType?

The following shows an example of a policy containing the condition key, billing:cloudServiceType.

Currently, the billing:cloudServiceType condition key only supports the action, billing:subscription:unsubscribe.

Details of error code, CBC.0151, are shown as follows:


"error_code": "CBC.0151",

"error_msg": "user access denied.checkCustomerPermission,correct permission code is billing:order:view"


You can resolve this issue by:

Separating billing:subscription:unsubscribe and billing:cloudServiceType from other actions.

  1. Sing in to the management console.
  2. Modify the policy content to separate the billing:subscription:unsubscribe action from other actions.

    Set policy items based on the following picture.

  3. Add the billing:cloudServiceType condition key.

    Cick (Optional) Add request condition > Add Request Condition. Confiture the condition parameters:

    Condition Key: billing:cloudServiceType

    Operator: StringEquals

    Value: hws.service.type.ebs

  4. Add other actions.

    Click the icon on the right side of Specific conditions. Delete the billing:cloudServiceType condition key.

    Deselect billing:subscription:unsubscribe and click OK.