Updated on 2024-05-16 GMT+08:00

Configuring Alibaba Cloud OSS to Send Synchronization Requests


After you create a synchronization task, you need to configure the source object storage service to request OMS to migrate newly added and modified source objects. To do so, you can use a message notification or function service on the source platform.

Desired Effects

  • The names of newly added and modified objects in the source bucket can be obtained in real time.
  • The OMS synchronization API can be invoked to migrate the newly added and modified objects to the destination bucket.

Configuration Methods

The following describes how to use the function service on the source platform to send synchronization requests.


  1. Log in to the Alibaba Cloud console. In the left navigation pane, choose Functions.
  2. In the top menu bar, select a region. On the Functions page, click Create Function.

    The created function must be in the same region as the source bucket.

  3. On the Create Function page, select Event Function, set the following parameters, and click Create.

    Table 1 Parameters required for creating an event function



    Function Name

    Enter a name.


    Select Python 3.

    Code Upload Method

    Select Upload ZIP. Compress the index.py and signer.py files into a .zip package and upload it.

    • index.py
      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      import logging
      import json
      import requests
      import oss2
      import signer
      # Alibaba Cloud information
      # Do not use the source bucket as the log bucket.
      LOG_BUCKET = "***oss log bucket***"
      OSS_ENDPOINT = "***oss endpoint***"
      # Huawei Cloud information
      #Use the AK/SK pair of an account that has only the required IAM and OMS permissions.
      HW_AK = "***Access Key***"
      HW_SK = "***Secret Access Key***"
      # The address for receiving synchronization requests. Get it from the synchronization task details.
      SYNC_URL = "***Synchronization Request Receiving Address***"
      def handler(event, context):
          logger = logging.getLogger()
          # Initialize an OSS client instance.
          creds = context.credentials
          auth = oss2.StsAuth(creds.access_key_id, creds.access_key_secret, creds.security_token)
          oss_client = oss2.Bucket(auth, OSS_ENDPOINT, LOG_BUCKET)
          # Parse OSS events and synchronize them to OMS.
          send_oms_result = False
          success_prefix = "oms_source_record/{0}/success_object/".format(SYNC_URL.split("/")[-2])
          failed_prefix = "oms_source_record/{0}/failed_object/".format(SYNC_URL.split("/")[-2])
          evt = json.loads(event)["events"][0]
          object_key = evt["oss"]["object"]["key"]
              logger.info("start sync to oms!")
              resp = send_oms(object_key)
              if resp.status_code == 200:
                  logger.info("call oms api success, object_key: {0}".format(object_key))
                  record_list(logger, oss_client, success_prefix, object_key)
                  send_oms_result = True
                      "call oms api fail, status_code: {0}, response_msg: {1}".format(resp.status_code, str(resp.content)))
                  record_list(logger, oss_client, failed_prefix, object_key)
              logger.error("Internet error, call oms api failed!")
              record_list(logger, oss_client, failed_prefix, object_key)
          return send_oms_result
      def send_oms(object_key):
          After APIG authentication succeeds, the changed object information in the OSS bucket is sent to OMS. For details about API Gateway authentication, see https://support.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/devg-apisign/api-sign-sdk-python.html.
      :param object_key: The name of a new or modified object.
          :return: The response result.
          sig = signer.Signer()
          sig.Key = HW_AK
          sig.Secret = HW_SK
          url = SYNC_URL
          body = json.dumps({"object_keys": [object_key]})
          r = signer.HttpRequest("POST", url)
          r.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
          r.body = body
          resp = requests.request(r.method, r.scheme + "://" + r.host + r.uri, headers=r.headers, data=r.body)
          return resp
      def record_list(logger, log_bucket_client, prefix, object_key):
          Record the requested and unrequested objects.
          :param log_bucket_client: The log bucket client.
          :param prefix: Prefixes of the requested and unrequested objects.
          :param object_key: The names of requested and unrequested objects.
          :return: None
          record_key = prefix + object_key
              resp = log_bucket_client.put_object(record_key, "")
              if resp.status == 200:
                  logger.info("record success or failed object success.")
                  logger.error("record success or failed object failed, object_key: {0}".format(object_key))
              logger.error("record success or failed object failed, object_key: {0}".format(object_key))
    • signer.py
      import copy
      import sys
      import hashlib
      import hmac
      import binascii
      from datetime import datetime
      if sys.version_info.major < 3:
          from urllib import quote, unquote
          def hmacsha256(keyByte, message):
              return hmac.new(keyByte, message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
          # Create a "String to Sign".
          def StringToSign(canonicalRequest, t):
              bytes = HexEncodeSHA256Hash(canonicalRequest)
              return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (Algorithm, datetime.strftime(t, BasicDateFormat), bytes)
          from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
          def hmacsha256(keyByte, message):
              return hmac.new(keyByte.encode('utf-8'), message.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
          # Create a "String to Sign".
          def StringToSign(canonicalRequest, t):
              bytes = HexEncodeSHA256Hash(canonicalRequest.encode('utf-8'))
              return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (Algorithm, datetime.strftime(t, BasicDateFormat), bytes)
      def urlencode(s):
          return quote(s, safe='~')
      def findHeader(r, header):
          for k in r.headers:
              if k.lower() == header.lower():
                  return r.headers[k]
          return None
      # HexEncodeSHA256Hash returns hexcode of sha256
      def HexEncodeSHA256Hash(data):
          sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
          return sha256.hexdigest()
      # HWS API Gateway Signature
      class HttpRequest:
          def __init__(self, method="", url="", headers=None, body=""):
              self.method = method
              spl = url.split("://", 1)
              scheme = 'http'
              if len(spl) > 1:
                  scheme = spl[0]
                  url = spl[1]
              query = {}
              spl = url.split('?', 1)
              url = spl[0]
              if len(spl) > 1:
                  for kv in spl[1].split("&"):
                      spl = kv.split("=", 1)
                      key = spl[0]
                      value = ""
                      if len(spl) > 1:
                          value = spl[1]
                      if key != '':
                          key = unquote(key)
                          value = unquote(value)
                          if key in query:
                              query[key] = [value]
              spl = url.split('/', 1)
              host = spl[0]
              if len(spl) > 1:
                  url = '/' + spl[1]
                  url = '/'
              self.scheme = scheme
              self.host = host
              self.uri = url
              self.query = query
              if headers is None:
                  self.headers = {}
                  self.headers = copy.deepcopy(headers)
              if sys.version_info.major < 3:
                  self.body = body
                  self.body = body.encode("utf-8")
      BasicDateFormat = "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"
      Algorithm = "SDK-HMAC-SHA256"
      HeaderXDate = "X-Sdk-Date"
      HeaderHost = "host"
      HeaderAuthorization = "Authorization"
      HeaderContentSha256 = "x-sdk-content-sha256"
      # Build a CanonicalRequest from a regular request string
      # CanonicalRequest =
      #  HTTPRequestMethod + '\n' +
      #  CanonicalURI + '\n' +
      #  CanonicalQueryString + '\n' +
      #  CanonicalHeaders + '\n' +
      #  SignedHeaders + '\n' +
      #  HexEncode(Hash(RequestPayload))
      def CanonicalRequest(r, signedHeaders):
          canonicalHeaders = CanonicalHeaders(r, signedHeaders)
          hexencode = findHeader(r, HeaderContentSha256)
          if hexencode is None:
              hexencode = HexEncodeSHA256Hash(r.body)
          return "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (r.method.upper(), CanonicalURI(r), CanonicalQueryString(r),
                                             canonicalHeaders, ";".join(signedHeaders), hexencode)
      def CanonicalURI(r):
          pattens = unquote(r.uri).split('/')
          uri = []
          for v in pattens:
          urlpath = "/".join(uri)
          if urlpath[-1] != '/':
              urlpath = urlpath + "/"  # always end with /
          # r.uri = urlpath
          return urlpath
      def CanonicalQueryString(r):
          keys = []
          for key in r.query:
          a = []
          for key in keys:
              k = urlencode(key)
              value = r.query[key]
              if type(value) is list:
                  for v in value:
                      kv = k + "=" + urlencode(str(v))
                  kv = k + "=" + urlencode(str(value))
          return '&'.join(a)
      def CanonicalHeaders(r, signedHeaders):
          a = []
          __headers = {}
          for key in r.headers:
              keyEncoded = key.lower()
              value = r.headers[key]
              valueEncoded = value.strip()
              __headers[keyEncoded] = valueEncoded
              if sys.version_info.major == 3:
                  r.headers[key] = valueEncoded.encode("utf-8").decode('iso-8859-1')
          for key in signedHeaders:
              a.append(key + ":" + __headers[key])
          return '\n'.join(a) + "\n"
      def SignedHeaders(r):
          a = []
          for key in r.headers:
          return a
      # Create the HWS Signature.
      def SignStringToSign(stringToSign, signingKey):
          hm = hmacsha256(signingKey, stringToSign)
          return binascii.hexlify(hm).decode()
      # Get the finalized value for the "Authorization" header.  The signature
      # parameter is the output from SignStringToSign
      def AuthHeaderValue(signature, AppKey, signedHeaders):
          return "%s Access=%s, SignedHeaders=%s, Signature=%s" % (
              Algorithm, AppKey, ";".join(signedHeaders), signature)
      class Signer:
          def __init__(self):
              self.Key = ""
              self.Secret = ""
          def Verify(self, r, authorization):
              if sys.version_info.major == 3 and isinstance(r.body, str):
                  r.body = r.body.encode('utf-8')
              headerTime = findHeader(r, HeaderXDate)
              if headerTime is None:
                  return False
                  t = datetime.strptime(headerTime, BasicDateFormat)
              signedHeaders = SignedHeaders(r)
              canonicalRequest = CanonicalRequest(r, signedHeaders)
              stringToSign = StringToSign(canonicalRequest, t)
              return authorization == SignStringToSign(stringToSign, self.Secret)
          # SignRequest set Authorization header
          def Sign(self, r):
              if sys.version_info.major == 3 and isinstance(r.body, str):
                  r.body = r.body.encode('utf-8')
              headerTime = findHeader(r, HeaderXDate)
              if headerTime is None:
                  t = datetime.utcnow()
                  r.headers[HeaderXDate] = datetime.strftime(t, BasicDateFormat)
                  t = datetime.strptime(headerTime, BasicDateFormat)
              haveHost = False
              for key in r.headers:
                  if key.lower() == 'host':
                      haveHost = True
              if not haveHost:
                  r.headers["host"] = r.host
              signedHeaders = SignedHeaders(r)
              canonicalRequest = CanonicalRequest(r, signedHeaders)
              stringToSign = StringToSign(canonicalRequest, t)
              signature = SignStringToSign(stringToSign, self.Secret)
              authValue = AuthHeaderValue(signature, self.Key, signedHeaders)
              r.headers[HeaderAuthorization] = authValue
              r.headers["content-length"] = str(len(r.body))
              queryString = CanonicalQueryString(r)
              if queryString != "":
                  r.uri = r.uri + "?" + queryString

  4. Go to the function details page and on the Code tab page, modify the following configuration items in index.py.

    • LOG_BUCKET = "***oss log bucket***"
    • OSS_ENDPOINT = "***oss endpoint***"
    • HW_AK = "***Access Key***"
    • HW_SK = "***Secret Access Key***"
    • SYNC_URL = "***Synchronization Request Receiving Address***"

  5. On the Configuration tab page, choose Trigger on the left and click Create Trigger. Create an OSS event trigger by referring to Table 2 and click OK.

    Table 2 Parameters required for creating a trigger



    Trigger Type

    Choose OSS.


    Enter a name.

    Version or Alias

    Retain the default value.

    Bucket Name

    Select the source bucket. The bucket must be the one in the synchronization task.

    Trigger Event

    Retain the default value.

    Role Name

    Retain the default value.

  6. Click the Test tab, set Event Template to OSS, customize an event name, and click Test Function to perform the test. If the execution result is true, the test is successful. If the test fails, check whether the function parameters are configured correctly and whether you have required permissions.