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Vinculación de un EIP a un ECS
Actualización más reciente 2022-11-08 GMT+08:00
Vinculación de un EIP a un ECS
Esta sección describe cómo vincular un EIP a un ECS llamando a las API.
- Usted ha comprado un ECS.
- If you use a token for authentication, you must obtain the token and add to the request header when making an API call. Obtain the token by following instructions in section .
El token obtenido de IAM es válido por solo 24 horas. Si desea utilizar un token para la autenticación, puede almacenarlo en caché para evitar llamadas frecuentes.
- Obtain the NIC information based on the ECS ID. For details, see .
- Enviar GET https://VPC endpoint/v1/project_id/ports?device_id=ecs_id. El parámetro project_id indica el ID del proyecto.
- Agregue X-Auth-Token al encabezado de solicitud.
- Check the response message.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
{ "ports": [{ "id": "02c72193-efec-42fb-853b-c33f2b802467", "name": "", "status": "ACTIVE", "admin_state_up": true, "fixed_ips": [{ "subnet_id": "213cb9d-3122-2ac1-1a29-91ffc1231a12", "ip_address": "" }], "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:47:5f:c1", "network_id": "4779ab1c-7c1a-44b1-a02e-93dfc361b32d", "tenant_id": "db82c9e1415a464ea68048baa8acc6b8", "project_id": "db82c9e1415a464ea68048baa8acc6b8", "device_id": "ea61f836-b52f-41bf-9d06-685644001d6f", "device_owner": "compute:br-iaas-odin1a", "security_groups": [ "e0598d96-9451-4f8a-8de0-b8b4d451d9e7" ], "extra_dhcp_opts": [], "allowed_address_pairs": [], "binding:vnic_type": "normal", "binding:vif_details": { "primary_interface": true }, "binding:profile": {}, "port_security_enabled": true, "created_at": "2020-06-20T08:07:29", "updated_at": "2020-06-20T08:07:29" }] }
- Para obtener más información sobre los códigos de error cuando la solicitud es anormal, consulte Códigos de error.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
- Assign an EIP.
- Enviar POST https://Endpoint/v1/project_id/publicips. El parámetro project_id indica el ID del proyecto.
- Agregue X-Auth-Token al encabezado de solicitud.
- Specify the following parameters in the request body:
{ "publicip": { "type": "5_bgp", "ip_version": 6 }, "bandwidth": { "name": "bandwidth123", "size": 5, "share_type": "WHOLE", "id":"ebfa375c-3f93-465e-81a3-bd66e578ee9d" }, "enterprise_project_id":"0" }
- Check the response message.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
{ "publicip": { "id": "f588ccfa-8750-4d7c-bf5d-2ede24414706", "status": "PENDING_CREATE", "type": "5_bgp", "public_ip_address": "161.xx.xx.7", "tenant_id": "8b7e35ad379141fc9df3e178bd64f55c", "ip_version": 4, "create_time": "2015-07-16 04:10:52", "bandwidth_size": 0, "enterprise_project_id":"b261ac1f-2489-4bc7-b31b-c33c3346a439" } }
- Para obtener más información sobre los códigos de error cuando la solicitud es anormal, consulte Códigos de error.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
- Bind the EIP to the ECS NIC.
- Enviar PUT /v1/project_id/publicips/publicip_id. El parámetro project_id indica el ID del proyecto.
- Agregue X-Auth-Token al encabezado de solicitud.
- Specify the following parameters in the request body:
{ "publicip": { "port_id": "02c72193-efec-42fb-853b-c33f2b802467" } }
- Check the response message.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
{ "publicip": { "id": "f588ccfa-8750-4d7c-bf5d-2ede24414706", "status": "ACTIVE", "type": "5_bgp", "port_id": "02c72193-efec-42fb-853b-c33f2b802467", "public_ip_address": "10.xx.xx.162", "private_ip_address": "", "tenant_id": "26ae5181a416420998eb2093aaed84d9", "create_time": "2019-03-27 01:33:18", "bandwidth_id": "02da78da-4fb0-4880-b512-f516cdeb8ef3", "bandwidth_name": "test", "bandwidth_share_type": "PER", "bandwidth_size": 1, "profile": {}, "enterprise_project_id": "0", "ip_version": 4 } }
- Para obtener más información sobre los códigos de error cuando la solicitud es anormal, consulte Códigos de error.
- The request is successful if the following response is displayed.
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