Estos contenidos se han traducido de forma automática para su comodidad, pero Huawei Cloud no garantiza la exactitud de estos. Para consultar los contenidos originales, acceda a la versión en inglés.
Auto Scaling
Auto Scaling
- Descripción general del servicio
- Guía del usuario
Referencia de la API
- Antes de comenzar
- Descripción de la API
- Llamada a APIs
- Pasos iniciales
- Grupos de AS
- Configuraciones de AS
- Instancias
Políticas de AS
- Creación de una política de AS
- Creación de una política AS (V2)
- Modificación de una política de AS
- Modificación de una política de AS (V2)
- Consulta de políticas AS
- Consulta de políticas AS (V2)
- Consulta de políticas AS (V2)
- Consulta de una política AS
- Consulta de una política AS (V2)
- Ejecución, habilitación o deshabilitación de una política AS
- Eliminación de una política AS
- Gestión por lotes de políticas AS
- Logs de ejecución de políticas AS
- Logs de acciones de escalado
- Cuotas
- Notificaciones
- Ganchos de ciclo de vida
- Etiquetas
- Consulta de la versión de API
- Ejemplos de aplicación
- Políticas de permisos y acciones admitidas
- Apéndice
- Historial de revisiones
- Pasos iniciales
Preguntas frecuentes
- ¿Cuáles son las restricciones de uso de AS?
- ¿Debo usar AS junto con ELB y Cloud Eye?
- ¿Se factura AS?
- ¿Un cambio brusco en el monitoreo de valores métricos activará una acción de escalado innecesaria?
- ¿Cuántas políticas y configuraciones de AS puedo crear y usar?
- ¿Puede AS escalar automáticamente las vCPU, la memoria y el ancho de banda de los ECS?
- ¿Qué es una cuota de AS?
- ¿Cómo soluciono el error "The key pair does not exist" cuando conecto a una instancia?
- ¿Qué tipos de EIP y anchos de banda compartidos se pueden ajustar por AS?
- ¿Qué tipos de instancias de ECS y de HECS se pueden escalar por AS?
- Si se actualiza el SO de una instancia de ECS en un grupo de AS, ¿puede AS agregar automáticamente instancias con el SO más nuevo durante la próxima acción de escalamiento horizontal?
- ¿Puede AS agregar instancias anuales/mensuales de ECS cuando escala un grupo de AS?
- ¿Puede AS aumentar el ancho de banda según sea necesario?
- Grupo de AS
Política de AS
- ¿Cuántas políticas de AS puedo habilitar?
- ¿Cuáles son las condiciones para activar una política de AS basada en alarmas?
- ¿Qué es un período de recuperación y por qué se requiere?
- ¿AS puede escalar la capacidad basada en la supervisión personalizada por Cloud Eye?
- ¿Qué métricas de supervisión de un grupo de AS se verán afectadas si VM Tools no están instaladas en las instancias del grupo?
- ¿Qué puedo hacer si no se habilita una política de AS?
- ¿Cómo instalo el Agent en instancias de un grupo de AS para utilizar las métricas de supervisión del Agent?
- ¿Cómo puedo evitar que las instancias agregadas manualmente a un grupo de AS se eliminen automáticamente?
- Cuando hay varias variantes incluidas en la configuración de AS de un grupo de AS, ¿en qué orden se seleccionan las variantes durante los eventos de escalamiento horizontal?
- Cuando se quita una instancia de un grupo de AS y se la elimina, ¿se guardan los datos de la aplicación?
- ¿Puedo agregar las instancias anuales/mensuales de ECS a un grupo de AS?
- ¿AS puede eliminar automáticamente las instancias agregadas basadas en una política de AS cuando no son necesarias?
- ¿Cuál es el número esperado de instancias?
- ¿Cómo elimino una instancia de ECS creada en una acción de escalado?
- ¿Se eliminarán las instancias anuales/mensuales de ECS si se vuelven insalubres?
- ¿Cómo manejo las instancias no saludables en un grupo de AS?
- ¿Por qué las instancias de un grupo de AS siguen eliminándose y recreándose cuando fallan en las comprobaciones de estado?
- ¿Cómo puedo evitar que las instancias se eliminen automáticamente de un grupo de AS?
- ¿Por qué se muestra en la lista de ECS una instancia quitada de un grupo de AS y eliminada?
- ¿Necesito vincular una EIP a una instancia antes de agregar manualmente la instancia a un grupo de AS?
- ¿Puedo aplicar las configuraciones de una instancia existente en un grupo de AS a las instancias que se agregarán en el futuro?
- ¿El sistema vinculará una nueva EIP o una existente a una instancia de ECS recién agregada?
- ¿Cómo puedo desplegar automáticamente mi aplicación en una instancia?
- ¿Cómo afecta Cloud-Init al servicio de AS?
- ¿Por qué no puedo usar un archivo de clave para iniciar sesión en un ECS?
- ¿Necesito configurar una EIP en una configuración de AS cuando se ha habilitado un balanceador de carga para un grupo de AS?
- ¿Cómo puedo habilitar la inicialización automática de discos de EVS en las instancias que se han agregado a un grupo de AS durante las acciones de escalado?
- Actualmente, el contenido no está disponible en el idioma seleccionado. Sugerimos consultar la versión en inglés.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Best Practices
- SDK Reference
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Are ELB and Cloud Eye Mandatory for AS?
- Is AS Billed?
- Does an Abrupt Change on Monitoring Indicator Values Cause an Incorrect Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- Can AS Automatically Scale Up or Down vCPUs, Memory, and Bandwidth of ECSs?
- What Is the AS Quota?
- Why is a message displayed indicating that the key pair does not exist and the operation is discontinued when several users under the same account operate AS resources?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can Be Enabled?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm in the AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period? Why Is It Required?
- Can AS Scale Capacity Based on Custom Monitoring of Cloud Eye?
- What Will Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on ECSs?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Can I Install the Agent Plug-in on the Instances in an AS Group to Use Agent Monitoring Metrics?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Removed Automatically?
- What Are the Sequence of Selecting Flavors in Multi-Flavor AS Configuration?
- Will the Application Data on an Instance Be Retained After the Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted?
- Can I Add ECSs Charged in Yearly/Monthly Mode?
- Can Instances That Have Been Added Based on an AS Policy Be Automatically Deleted When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Created in a Scaling Action?
- Will a Yearly/Monthly ECS Be Deleted When the ECS Becomes Faulty?
- How Should I Handle Abnormal Instances in an AS Group?
- What Can I Do If Instances in an AS Group Frequently Fail in Health Checks and Are Deleted and Then Created Repeatedly?
- How Do I Prevent ECSs from Being Removed from an AS Group Automatically?
- Why Is an Instance Removed and Deleted from an AS Group Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- What Can I Do to Enable My Application to Be Automatically Deployed on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- How Can I Run Existing Services on an Instance Newly Added to an AS Group?
- Why Cannot I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When A Load Balancer Has Been Enabled in an AS Group?
- How Can I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks of Instances That Have Been Added in a Scaling Action to an AS Group?
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances in an AS Group
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying All AS Policies (V2)
- Querying AS Policy Details
- Querying Details of an AS Policy (V2)
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Performing Operations on AS Policies in Batches
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hook
- Tag Management
- API Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can AS Automatically Delete Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Regions)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Is AS Billed?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- Can AS Automatically Scale Up or Down vCPUs, Memory, and Bandwidth of ECSs?
- What Is an AS Quota?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- Can AS Scale Capacity Based on Custom Monitoring by Cloud Eye?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Install the Agent on Instances in an AS Group to Use Agent Monitoring Metrics?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When There Are Multiple Flavors Included in the AS Configuration of an AS Group, What Order Are the Flavors Selected in During Scale-out Events?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can I Add Yearly/Monthly ECS Instances to an AS Group?
- Can the System Automatically Delete the Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- Will a Yearly/Monthly ECS Instance Be Deleted If It Becomes Unhealthy?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances in an AS Group
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying All AS Policies (V2)
- Querying AS Policy Details
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Performing Operations on AS Policies in Batches
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hook
- Tag Management
- API Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can AS Automatically Delete Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies Bound to an AS Group
- Querying AS Policies Bound to a Scaling Resource (V2)
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying an AS Policy
- Querying an AS Policy (V2)
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Batch Managing AS Policies
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hooks
- API Version Query
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
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Logs de ejecución de políticas AS
Actualización más reciente 2022-11-08 GMT+08:00
Tema principal: Las API
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