Updated on 2022-06-11 GMT+08:00


Example Conventions




Indicates the user operating and maintaining GaussDB(DWS) appointed when the cluster is created.


Indicates the port number used by GaussDB(DWS) to monitor connection requests from the client.

SQL examples in this manual are developed based on the TPC-DS model. Before you execute the examples, install the TPC-DS benchmark by following the instructions on the official website https://www.tpc.org/tpcds/.

SQL Syntax Text Conventions

To better understand the syntax usage, you can refer to the SQL syntax text conventions described as follows:



Uppercase characters

Indicates that keywords must be in uppercase.

Lowercase characters

Indicates that parameters must be in lowercase.

[ ]

Indicates that the items in brackets [] are optional.


Indicates that preceding elements can appear repeatedly.

[ x | y | ... ]

Indicates that one item is selected from two or more options or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }

Indicates that one item is selected from two or more options.

[x | y | ... ] [ ... ]

Indicates that multiple parameters or no parameter can be selected. If multiple parameters are selected, separate them with spaces.

[ x | y | ... ] [ ,... ]

Indicates that multiple parameters or no parameter can be selected. If multiple parameters are selected, separate them with commas (,).

{ x | y | ... } [ ... ]

Indicates that at least one parameter can be selected. If multiple parameters are selected, separate them with spaces.

{ x | y | ... } [ ,... ]

Indicates that at least one parameter can be selected. If multiple parameters are selected, separate them with commas (,).