Updated on 2024-05-09 GMT+08:00


The following figure shows the process of calling an API.

  1. Obtain an AK/SK for authentication.

    Request authentication is required for calling an API. After successful authentication, the authentication field is filled into the next method to request for message construction.

    AK/SK authentication is used for calling APIs.

    AK/SK authentication: Requests are encrypted using AK/SK pairs.

    When you send requests to underlying services through API Gateway (APIG), the requests must be signed using access key ID (AK) and secret access key (SK).

    • AK: access key ID, which is a unique identifier used with a secret access key to sign requests cryptographically.
    • SK: secret access key. It is used together with an access key ID to identify a sender who initiates a request and to cryptographically sign requests, preventing the request from being modified.
  2. Construct a request.

    Configure the request parameters to construct a request.

  3. Initiate the request.
  4. Parse a response.