Help Center/ Virtual Private Cloud/ FAQs/ Bandwidth/ What Are the Differences Between Static BGP, Dynamic BGP, and Premium BGP?
Updated on 2025-01-24 GMT+08:00

What Are the Differences Between Static BGP, Dynamic BGP, and Premium BGP?

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a routing protocol used between autonomous systems (ASs). BGP is the only protocol that can process many connections between unrelated routing domains. The EIP service connects to networks provided by China Unicom, China Telecom, China Mobile, and other carriers.

When assigning an EIP, you can select from the following EIP types:
  • Static BGP routes are manually configured by network carriers.
  • Dynamic BGP provides automatic failover and chooses the optimal path when a network connection fails.
  • Premium BGP chooses the optimal path and ensures low-latency and high-quality networks. BGP is used to interconnect with lines of multiple mainstream carriers. Public network connections that feature low latency and high quality are directly established between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong (China). (Premium BGP is available only in CN-Hong Kong.)

The EIP type cannot be changed. For example, dynamic BGP EIPs cannot be changed to static BGP EIPs because they are in different IP address pools.

For details about static BGP, dynamic BGP, and premium BGP and their differences, see Table 1.

Table 1 Differences among static BGP, dynamic BGP, and premium BGP


Static BGP

Dynamic BGP

Premium BGP


Static routes are manually configured and must be manually reconfigured anytime when the network topology or link status changes.

Dynamic BGP provides automatic failover and chooses the optimal path based on the real-time network conditions as well as preset policies.

Premium BGP chooses the optimal path and ensures low-latency and high-quality networks. BGP is used to interconnect with lines of multiple mainstream carriers. Public network connections that feature low latency and high quality are directly established between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong (China).


When changes occur on a network that uses static BGP, the manual configuration takes some time and high availability cannot be guaranteed.

If you select static BGP, your application system must have disaster recovery setups in place.

When a fault occurs on a carrier's link, dynamic BGP will quickly select another optimal path to take over services, ensuring service availability.

Compared with premium BGP, dynamic BGP may cause unstable connections between regions like CN-Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, resulting in packet loss and intermittent network disconnections.

Currently, carriers in China that support dynamic BGP routing include China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Education and Research Network (CERNET), National Radio and Television Administration, and Dr. Peng Group.

Premium BGP has the same assurance capability as that of dynamic BGP.

In addition, premium BGP ensures higher network quality and lower latency.

Currently, mainstream carriers in Hong Kong (China) are supported.


This is a more cost-effective option that allows resources to access the Internet over a single carrier network. The routes can be manually configured.

The BGP public network egress supports switchover across domains within seconds, providing your users with high-speed and secure networks.

  • Premium BGP chooses the optimal path for access from the abroad.
  • It allows users in the Chinese mainland to access cross-border applications faster.

Service availability





Their price from least to most expensive: static BGP, dynamic BGP, and premium BGP. For details, see EIP Pricing Details.

For more information about service availability, see Huawei Cloud Service Level Agreement.