Updated on 2024-07-19 GMT+08:00
Resource Usage

Resource Usage

You can view data such as the traffic, bandwidth, and traffic hit ratio on the CDN side, and view the storage space and transcoding duration on the VOD origin server side.

About Query

  • You can view CDN data over the past 90 days and origin server data over the past 30 days.
  • CDN data can be queried by domain name. However, a maximum of 20 domain names can be queried at a time. The origin server data cannot be queried by domain name.
  • The maximum time span of a query is 31 days.
  • The minimum statistical granularity is four hours. For example, data generated from April 2, 2019 08:00:00 (GMT+08:00) to April 2, 2019 08:04:59 (GMT+08:00) is displayed at the statistical point April 2, 2019 08:00:00 (GMT+08:00).


  1. Log in to the VOD console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Statistics> Resource Usage.
  3. Select CDN Data or Origin Server Data to view the corresponding statistics.

CDN Data

View the CDN traffic, CDN peak bandwidth, traffic hit ratio, cache hit ratio, and total number of requests. See Table 1.

Figure 1 CDN data
Table 1 CDN statistics items

Statistics Item


CDN Traffic

CDN traffic within a specified time range

CDN Peak Bandwidth

CDN peak bandwidth in a specified time span

Traffic Hit Ratio

Traffic hit ratio = Traffic consumed to hit the cache/Total traffic consumed by the requests

Total traffic consumed by the requests = Traffic consumed to hit the cache + Traffic consumed for retrieving content

Cache Hit Ratio

Cache hit ratio = Number of requests that hit the cache/Number of total requests


Total number of requests in a specified time span

Because the actual network traffic generated includes TCP/IP headers and TCP retransmission consumption, billing data may be not exactly the same as those presented in the traffic graph.

Origin Server Data

View the storage space and transcoding duration. See Table 2.

Figure 2 Origin server data
Table 2 Origin server statistics items

Statistics Item


Storage Space

Storage space occupied by media files in a specified time span, including inputs and outputs

Transcoding Duration

Duration of transcoded files in a specified time span