Help Center> ServiceStage> User Guide> Component Management> Upgrading Components in Batches
Updated on 2024-05-28 GMT+08:00

Upgrading Components in Batches

After components are created and deployed, you can reconfigure and deploy multiple Running and Not ready components of the same application in rolling release mode. In rolling release mode, only one or more instances are upgraded at a time and then added to the production environment. This process repeats until all old instances are upgraded. Services will not be interrupted during the upgrade.

For details about how to upgrade a single component, see Upgrading a Single Component.

If the component is deployed based on CCE, it is recommended that the total number of component instances to be upgraded in batches be less than or equal to 30. Otherwise, CCE will limit the traffic and the upgrade will take a long time.


  1. Log in to ServiceStage.
  2. Choose Application Management.
  3. Click the application where the target components are located. The Overview page of the application is displayed.
  4. Select the components to be upgraded in batches in Component List and click Bulk Upgrade.
  5. Set the version configuration information of the components to be upgraded by referring to the following table.



    Component Version

    Target version of the upgraded component.

    • By default, the version number is the time when you start to upgrade the component. The format is yyyy.mmdd.hhmms, where s is the ones place of the second in the timestamp. For example, if the timestamp is 2022.0803.104321, the version number is 2022.0803.10431.
    • You can also customize the version number in the format of A.B.C, or A.B.C.D. A. B, C, and D are natural numbers, for example, 1.0.0 or

      The customized version number must be unique and cannot be the same as any historical version number of the component.

    Software Package/Image Package/Source Code Repository

    Click and select the software package, source code repository, or image package again. For details, see Component Source.

    Deployment Batches

    Number of batches in which component instances are upgraded. The value range is [1, Total number of instances]. Total number of instances refers to the number of running instances of the component.

    For example, if there are 4 component instances and Deployment Batches is set to 2, these component instances are upgraded in two batches, and each batch involves two component instances.


    • Click in the Operation column of a component to cancel the upgrade.
    • Click Advanced Settings in the Operation column of a CCE-deployed component to configure advanced settings. Set Microservice Engine, Component Configuration, Deployment Configuration, and O&M Monitoring by referring to 13.

  6. (Optional) Click Pre-check Advanced Settings to check whether the advanced settings of each component are correct.
  7. Click Complete and Execute.

    Wait until the component status changes from Upgrading/Rolling back to Running, indicating that the component version configuration is successfully upgraded.

Follow-Up Operations



Rolling Back a Component

After the version configuration of all component instances is upgraded to the new version, if you need to roll back the component to the source version, see Rolling Back a Component.

Redeploying a Component

You can select a historical version configuration from the deployment record list and use the version configuration as a template to redeploy components. For details, see Redeploying a Component.