Updated on 2022-03-04 GMT+08:00

AS Group

An AS group consists of a collection of instances that apply to the same scenario. It is the basis for enabling or disabling AS policies and performing scaling actions.

AS group involves the following terms:

  • An instance is an ECS in an AS group.
  • AS policy: specifies a condition for triggering a scaling action.
    AS supports the following policies:
    • Alarm

      AS automatically increases or decreases the number of instances in an AS group or sets the number of instances to the configured value when Cloud Eye generates an alarm for a configured metric, such as high CPU usage.

    • Periodic

      AS increases or decreases the number of instances in an AS group or sets the number of instances to a specified value at a configured interval, such as one day, one week, or month.

    • Scheduled

      AS automatically increases or decreases the number of instances or sets the number of instances to the configured value at a specified time.