Updated on 2024-11-27 GMT+08:00

Configuring A Third-Party Authorizer

ROMA Connect provides flexible extension capabilities for APIs through plug-in policies. Third-party authentication policies call third-party authentication services to authenticate API access. When a user calls an API, ROMA Connect calls the third-party authentication service first and then the backend service if the authentication is successful.

Plug-in policies and APIs are independent of each other. A plug-in policy takes effect for an API only after it is bound to the API. When binding a plug-in policy to an API, you must specify an environment where the API has been published. The plug-in policy takes effect for the API only in the specified environment.


When a user calls an API bound to a third-party authentication policy, the API performs its own authentication and then the third-party authentication.

Creating a Third-Party Authorizer

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console of an instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > API Policies. On the Policies tab, click Create Policy.
  3. In the Select Policy Type box, select Third-Party Authorizer in the Plug-ins area.
  4. On the page displayed, configure plug-in policy information.
    Table 1 Policy configuration




    Enter a policy name. Using naming rules facilitates future search.


    The value is fixed as Third-Party Authorizer.


    Specify the scope to view the policy.

    • Integration application: Each policy belongs to an integration application. Only users who have permission on the integration application can view and use the policy.
    • All: All users in the current instance can view and use the policy.

    Integration Application

    Mandatory when Scope is set to Integration Application.

    Select an integration application for the policy. If none is available, click Create Integration Application on the right to create one.


    Describe the policy.

    Policy Content: Configure the policy in a form or script. For details about how to configure a script, see Script Configuration Example.

    Load Balance Channel

    Whether to access the third-party authentication service via a load balance channel. If you want to select Configure, create a load balance channel in advance.

    Backend URL

    Configure the URL of the third-party authentication service.

    • Method: Select the request method of the third-party authentication service.
    • Protocol: Select the request protocol of the third-party authentication service. HTTPS is recommended for transmitting important or sensitive data.
    • Backend Address: Mandatory when Load Balance Channel is set to Skip. Enter the access address of the third-party authentication service in the format of Host:Port. Host indicates the IP address or domain name for accessing the third-party authentication service. If no port is specified, port 80 is for HTTP and port 443 is for HTTPS by default.
    • Load Balance Channel: Mandatory when Load Balance Channel is set to Configure. Select a load balance channel for accessing the third-party authentication service.
    • Path: Enter the request path of the third-party authentication service, for example, /auth.

    Timeout (ms)

    Enter the timeout interval of a third-party authentication service request. The default value is 5000.

    Host Header

    Available when Load Balance Channel is set to Configure.

    Define the host header field carried in the third-party authentication service request.

    Brute Force Threshold

    IP addresses whose number of attempts to access APIs by third-party authentication within 5 minutes exceeds this threshold will be blocked. They will be unblocked after the current statistical period.

    For example, if an IP address has failed the third-party authentication more than the configured threshold in the third minute of a statistical period, the address is blocked, and will be unblocked after 2 minutes.

    Identity Sources

    Add the header and query parameters in the original API request used for third-party authentication. If not specified, all header and query parameters in the original API request will be used.

    Relaxed Mode

    When this option is enabled, ROMA Connect accepts client requests even if the third-party authentication service cannot be connected or returns an error code starting with "5".

    Allow Original Request Body

    When this option is enabled, the original API request body is used to call the third-party authentication service.

    Request Body Size (bytes)

    Available only when Allow Original Request Body is enabled.

    Size of the request body for calling the third-party authentication service. It cannot exceed the maximum size allowed by the instance. Check out the value of request_body_size in configuration parameters.

    Allow Original Request Path

    When this option is enabled, the original API request path is added to the end of the third-party authentication request path before the third-party authentication service is invoked.

    Return Response

    When this option is enabled, the authentication response is returned on failure.

    Allowed Response Headers

    Headers to obtain from the authentication response and send to the backend service with the original request, when the authentication is successful.

    Simple Authentication

    When this option is enabled, status codes starting with "2" indicate successful authentication.

    Authentication Result

    Available only when Simple Authentication is disabled.

    Verifies the response header returned by the third-party authentication service. If the response header contains the configured parameter and the corresponding values are the same, the authentication is successful.


    When this option is enabled, if the original API request matches the blacklist rule, third-party authentication is performed. If the original API request matches the whitelist rule, third-party authentication is not performed.


    Mandatory when Blacklist/Whitelist is enabled.

    • Whitelist: API requests matching the whitelist rules do not require third-party authentication.
    • Blacklist: API requests matching the blacklist rules require third-party authentication.


    Available only when Blacklist/Whitelist is enabled.

    Define the parameters for rule matching. Click Add Parameter to add rule parameters.


    For security purposes, do not include sensitive information in these parameters.

    • Parameter Location: position of a parameter in an API request.
      • path: API request URI. This parameter is configured by default.
      • method: API request method. This parameter is configured by default.
      • header: first value of the header parameter in an API request.
      • query: first value of the query parameter in an API request.
      • system: a system parameter.
    • Parameter: name of a parameter used for rule matching.


    Available only when Blacklist/Whitelist is enabled.

    Customize matching rules for the blacklist or whitelist. Click Add Rule to add rules. The system matches rules from top to bottom.


    For security purposes, do not include sensitive information in these parameters.

    Rules: Click to edit the condition expressions. If there are three or more expressions, you can layer them by clicking Set Lower Level.
    • =: equal to
    • !=: not equal to
    • pattern: regular expression
    • enum: enumerated values, separated by comma (,)
  5. Click OK.

    After a plug-in policy is created, bind a plug-in policy to an API for the policy to take effect on the API.

Binding a Plug-in Policy to an API

  1. On the Policies tab, filter policies by Third-Party Authorizer.
  2. Click the name of a policy to go to the details page.
  3. On the APIs tab, select the environment of the APIs you want to bind the policy to and click Bind to APIs.
  4. On the page displayed, select the APIs to bind the policy to.

    APIs can be filtered by API group and API name.

  5. Click OK.

Script Configuration Example

  "auth_request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "protocol": "HTTPS",
    "url_domain": "",
    "timeout": 5000,
    "path": "/auth",
    "vpc_channel_enabled": false,
    "vpc_channel_info": null
  "custom_forbid_limit": 100,
  "carry_body": {
    "enabled": true,
    "max_body_size": 1000
  "auth_downgrade_enabled": true,
  "carry_path_enabled": true,
  "return_resp_body_enabled": false,
  "carry_resp_headers": [],
  "simple_auth_mode_enabled": true,
  "match_auth": null,
  "rule_enabled": false,
  "rule_type": "allow"