Help Center> ROMA Connect> User Guide> Service Integration Guide> Managing APIs> Adding a Credential for Simple Authentication
Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

Adding a Credential for Simple Authentication

If simple authentication is enabled for an API, AppCodes configured in a credential can be used for authentication. In this case, keys and secrets are not required.


Only APIs using App authentication support simple authentication.


  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > Credentials. Click the name of a credential authorized by the API.
  3. In the AppCodes area, click Add AppCode.
  4. In the dialog box displayed, configure AppCode information.
    Table 1 AppCode configuration



    AppCode Type

    Select the method for generating an AppCode.

    • Automatically generated: An AppCode is generated by the system.
    • Custom: Specify an AppCode.


    Mandatory for AppCode Type set to Custom.

    Enter an AppCode value.

  5. Click OK.