Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00

Binding Domain Names

Before you expose an API, bind an independent domain name to the API group so that APIs in the group can be accessed with the domain name.

Independent domain names are private or public.

  • Private domain name: Service systems deployed on the cloud service platform use these names to access ROMA Connect APIs.
  • Public domain name: Service systems deployed outside the cloud service platform use these names to access ROMA Connect APIs.

For internal testing, use the default subdomain name to access APIs in an API group (maximum 1000 times a day). The subdomain name cannot be modified.

Obtaining Domain Names

  • To enable a service system on the cloud service platform to access APIs, obtain a private zone as an independent domain name.
    1. Apply for a private zone. For details, see Creating a Private Zone.
    2. Configure an A record set to map the domain name to the APIC address. For details, see Adding an A Record Set.
    3. If the API group contains HTTPS-compatible APIs, add an SSL certificate for the independent domain name bound to the group. Obtain the content and keys of the SSL certificate and create an SSL certificate in advance.
  • To enable a service system outside the cloud service platform to access APIs, obtain a public zone as an independent domain name.
    1. Apply for a public zone from Domain Registration.
    2. Configure a CNAME record set to map the domain name to the APIC group subdomain name. For details, see Adding a CNAME Record Set.
    3. If the API group contains HTTPS-compatible APIs, add an SSL certificate for the independent domain name bound to the group. Obtain the content and keys of the SSL certificate and create an SSL certificate in advance.

Binding Domain Names

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console of an instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > API Groups. Click the name of an API group to view details.
  3. On the Group Information tab, click Bind Independent Domain Name.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, enter the domain name and click OK.
    Table 1 Independent domain name configuration



    Domain Name

    Enter the domain name to bind.

    Minimum TLS Version

    Select the minimum TLS version used for domain name access. This parameter applies only to HTTPS. Other modes, such as HTTP, are not affected.

    HTTP-to-HTTPS Auto Redirection

    Whether to support HTTP-to-HTTPS redirection.

    Redirection takes effect only when the API request protocol is HTTPS or HTTP&HTTPS and an SSL certificate has been bound to the independent domain name.


    Redirection is only suitable for GET and HEAD requests. Redirecting other requests may cause data loss due to browser restrictions.

  5. (Optional) If the API group contains HTTPS-compatible APIs, bind an SSL certificate to the independent domain name.
    1. Click Select SSL Certificate on the right of the independent domain name.
    2. In the displayed dialog box, select the SSL certificate to be bound and click OK.
      • If a CA certificate has been configured for the SSL certificate, client authentication (HTTPS two-way authentication) is enabled by default.
      • If no SSL certificate is available, click Create SSL Certificate to create one. For details, see Creating an SSL Certificate.