Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

Using Plug-ins


ROMA Connect provides flexible extension capabilities for APIs through plug-ins.


  • Plug-ins are independent of APIs. A plug-in takes effect for an API only after they are bound to each other. When binding a plug-in to an API, you must specify an environment where the API has been published. The plug-in takes effect for the API only in the specified environment.
  • An API can be bound to only one plug-in of the same type in the same environment.
  • Plug-ins that have been bound to APIs cannot be deleted.

Creating a Plug-in

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > API Management. On the Plug-ins tab page, click Create Plug-in.
  3. In the Create Plug-in dialog box, configure the plug-in information.
    Table 1 Plug-in configuration



    Plug-in Name

    Name of the plug-in you want to create. It is recommended that you enter a name based on certain naming rules to facilitate identification and search.

    Plug-in Type

    Type of the plug-in, which determines the extension capabilities of the plug-in.

    • CORS: specifies preflight request headers and response headers and automatically creates preflight request APIs for cross-origin access.
    • Kafka Log Push: pushes detailed API call logs to Kafka.
    • HTTP Response Header Management: provides custom HTTP response headers and returns them in API responses.
    • Circuit Breaker: protects the system when performance issues occur on backend services.

    Plug-in Scope

    Specify the scope to view the plug-in.

    • Integration application: The plug-in belongs to an integration application. Only users who have the permission on the integration application can view and use the plug-in.
    • Global: All users can view and use the plug-in.

    Integration Application

    This parameter is mandatory only if Plug-in Scope is set to Integration application.

    Select the integration application to which the plug-in belongs. If none is available, click Create Integration Application on the right to create one.


    Enter the plug-in description.

    Plug-in Content

    Content of the plug-in, which can be configured in a form or using a script.

    The plug-in content varies depending on the plug-in type:

  4. Click OK.

    After a plug-in is created, perform the operations described in Binding a Plug-in to an API for the plug-in to take effect for the API.

Binding a Plug-in to an API

  1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose API Connect > API Management. On the APIs tab page, click the name of the API to which the plug-in is to be bound. The API details page is displayed.
  2. On the Plug-ins tab page, click Bind.
  3. In the Bind Plug-in dialog box, set Environment and Plug-in Type, and select the plug-in to be bound.

    You can search for a plug-in by name.

  4. Click OK. The plug-in is bound to the API.