Help Center> Organizations> User Guide> Managing Accounts> Removing a Member Account from Your Organization
Updated on 2024-05-28 GMT+08:00

Removing a Member Account from Your Organization


Before you remove an account, it is important to know the following information:

  • The account you want to remove must not be a delegated administrator account of any trusted service for your organization. If the account is a delegated administrator, you must first change it to a non-delegated administrator account in your organization. For more information about how to remove or change a delegated administrator account, see Specifying, Viewing, or Removing a Delegated Administrator.
  • After a member account leaves an organization, the account no longer has access to the data from the time range when the account was a member of the organization. However, the management account of the organization can still access that data. If the account rejoins the organization, it can access that data again.
  • When a member account leaves an organization, all tags attached to the account are deleted.
  • The removed member account is no longer affected by any policies applied in the organization. Specifically, the permission restrictions imposed by SCPs are gone, and the IAM users in the account may have more permissions.
  • The member accounts you invited to join your organization can leave the organization or be removed from the organization, but the accounts you created via Organizations cannot.

Removing an Account

When you sign in to the management account of your organization, you can remove member accounts that you no longer need. The following steps apply only when you remove member accounts. If you want to remove the management account, you must delete the organization by following the instructions in Deleting an Organization.

  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud as the organization administrator or using the management account, navigate to the Organizations console, and access the Organization page.
  2. Select the account you want to remove, and choose Manage > Remove Account.

    Figure 1 Removing an account

  3. Click OK in the displayed dialog box.

Leaving an Organization As a Member Account

When you sign in to a member account of an organization, you can choose to leave the organization. The management account cannot leave the organization using this method. To remove the management account, you must delete the organization by referring to Deleting an Organization.

The member account that you want to remove must not be a delegated administrator account for any trusted service of the organization. If the account is a delegated administrator, you must first change the delegated administrator account to another account in the organization and then remove it from the organization. For details, see Specifying, Viewing, or Removing a Delegated Administrator.

  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud as a member account, and navigate to the Organizations console.
  2. Click Leave Organization on the Settings page. Then, click OK in the displayed dialog box.

    Figure 2 Leaving an organization