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Scaling In ClickHouseServer Nodes

Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

If ClickHouse is deployed in the MRS cluster, check the data to prevent data loss during node deletion before scaling in ClickHouseServer nodes.

Constraints on ClickHouseServer Scale-in

Table 1 Scale-in constraints




  • If a cluster has only one shard, the instance nodes cannot be removed from the cluster.
  • Multiple instance nodes in the same shard must be decommissioned or recommissioned at the same time.

    To query cluster shard information, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to the node where the HDFS clients are installed as the client installation user and run the following commands:

      cd Client installation directory

      source bigdata_env

      Security mode

      kinit ClickHouse service user

      clickhouse client --host IP address of the ClickHouse instance --port 9440 --secure

      In normal mode, run the following command:

      clickhouse client --host IP address of the ClickHouse instance --user Username --password --port 9000

      Enter the user password.

    2. Run the following command to query the cluster shard information:

      select cluster,shard_num,replica_num,host_name from system.clusters;

Cluster Storage

Ensure that the disk space of nodes that will not be decommissioned is sufficient for storing data of all decommissioned nodes. There must be approximately 10% redundant storage space after decommissioning to ensure that the remaining instances can run properly. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the following command to check the disk usage on each node:

    select * from system.disks;

    free_space indicates the free disk space, and total_space indicates the total disk space. The used space is calculated by subtracting the value of free_space from that of total_space, and its unit is byte.

  2. Run the preceding command on a node you want to decommission and calculate the data volume on the node using the preceding formula.
  3. Run the preceding command on a node that will not be decommissioned, and then use the following formula: (Value of free_space – Data volume of the node to be decommissioned)/Value of total_space. If the result is greater than 10%, the node can be decommissioned.

Cluster Status

If there is any faulty ClickHouseServer instance node in the cluster, all instance nodes in the cluster cannot be decommissioned.

Log in to Manager, choose Cluster > Services > ClickHouse, click Instance, and view the running status of each node in the cluster.


If a database is deployed only on an instance node you want to decommission, the instance node cannot be decommissioned. To remove the instance node, you need to create the database on all ClickHouseServer instance nodes in the cluster. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the select * from system.databases; command to collect the database list of each node.

    name indicates the database name. engine indicates the database engine, and the default value is Atomic. If the default engine is used, you do not need to specify the engine when creating a table.

  2. For the database deployed only on the instance node to be decommissioned, run the following command to create the database:

    create database xxx engine=xxx on cluster xxx;

Local Non-replicated Table

If a local non-replicated table is deployed only on an instance node you want to decommission, the instance node cannot be decommissioned. To decommission the node, create a local non-replicated table with the same name on any node that will not be decommissioned.

For example, the current cluster has two shards, shard 1 has two nodes A and B, and shard 2 has two nodes C and D. The non-replicated table test was created without the ON CLUSTER keyword, so the table is created only on node A.

In this case, to decommission nodes A and B in shard 1, you need to create the table test on node C or D in shard 2.

Run the following command to list the data tables of each node:

select database,name,engine,create_table_query from system.tables where database != 'system';

Perform the following operations according to the result:

  • Check the engine column. The table that does not contain the Replicated field is a local non-replicated table.
  • If there are no replicated tables on any nodes that will not be decommissioned, create one based the table created by create_table_query. The following creation statement is an example:

    CREATE TABLE {database}.{table} ('column name' type...) ENGINE = MergeTree;

Replicated Table

If a replicated table exists only on some nodes in the cluster, the nodes where the replicated table is deployed cannot be decommissioned. You need to manually create the replicated table on all instance nodes where no replicated table is deployed in the cluster before decommissioning.

For example, the current cluster has two shards, shard 1 has two nodes A and B, and shard 2 has two nodes C and D. The replicated table test was created without the ON CLUSTER keyword, so the table is created only on nodes A and B.

To decommission nodes A and B in shard 1, you need to create the table test on nodes C and D in shard 2.

Run the following command to list the data tables of each node:

select database,name,engine,create_table_query from system.tables where database != 'system';

Perform the following operations according to the result:

  • Check the engine column. The table that contains the Replicated field is a replicated table.
  • If there are no replicated tables on any nodes that will not be decommissioned, create one based the table created by create_table_query.

Distributed Table

Distributed tables will not be migrated automatically for decommissioning. Create distributed tables on the nodes that will not be decommissioned.

Run the following command to list data tables of each node and check the engine column. These tables are distributed tables if this column contains field Distributed.

select database,name,engine from system.tables where database != 'system';


Creating distributed tables on these nodes will not affect the decommissioning, but may affect subsequent service operations.


Views will not be automatically migrated for decommissioning, and views do not store data. Run the following command to list data tables of each node and check the engine column. These tables are views if this column contains field View.

select database,name,engine from system.tables where database != 'system';

Run the following command to delete the views one by one:

drop view {database_name}.{table_name};

Materialized Views

Materialized views will not be automatically migrated for Decommissioning. Create materialized views on the nodes that will not be decommissioned. If the materialized view of a node to be decommissioned does not display the specified aggregation table but uses an embedded table, the node cannot be decommissioned.

Run the following command to list data tables of each node and check the engine column. These tables are materialized views if this column contains field MaterializedView.

select database,name,engine, create_table_query from system.tables where database != 'system';

Embedded tables are initialized with a POPULATE field in their create_table_query column. Views are created at initialization, and new data is ignored. Aggregation tables without the POPULATE field insert new data directly into views and support tables, requiring manual data loading. The table creation operations of the aggregation table and embedded table are different.

Perform the following operations to process the materialized views of the node to be decommissioned:

  1. Record the materialized views and delete them.

    drop view {database_name}.{table_name};

  2. After the node decommissioning is complete, delete and recreate the corresponding materialized views on in-use nodes to update the materialized views.
  3. To create an aggregation table, specify WHERE to search for historical data and manually import the historical data to the materialized views. Otherwise, historical data cannot be imported to the materialized views based on unified conditions. As a result, data is imported repeatedly. For example, an update point can be specified to ensure that data before the update point is manually loaded in INSERT mode.
    • Add WHERE { Time field (for example, date)}>= toDate ({ Current time (for example, '2022-12-01 00:00:00')}) to the table creation statement.
    • insert into {table} select {Table field} from {Source table} where {Time field}< toDate ({Current time}) is used to load original data.
  4. Embedded tables will lose data generated during table creation. You can specify WHERE to filter out all historical data. In this case, an empty table is created, and you only need to manually insert all data in the historical data source table.

Tables of Third-Party Engines

Currently, tables of third-party engines cannot be automatically migrated for decommissioning.

Run the following command to list data tables of each node and check the engine column. These tables are tables of third-party engines if this column does not contain any of the following fields: MergeTree, View, MaterializedView, Distributed, and Log. (The engine column of a third-party engine table may contain field Memory, HDFS, or MySQL.)

select database,name,engine from system.tables where database != 'system';

Create third-party engine tables on the nodes that will not be decommissioned and delete those from the nodes that will be decommissioned.

Detached Data

If the table on a node to be decommissioned has been detached and data still exists in the detached directory, the node cannot be decommissioned. You need to attach the data in the detached directory to other directories before decommissioning.

  1. Run the following command to view the system.detached_parts system catalog of the node to be decommissioned:

    select * from system.detached_parts;

  2. If detached part data exists and these partitions are no longer used, run the following command to delete the detached part data:

    ALTER TABLE {table_name} DROP DETACHED PARTITION {partition_expr} SETTINGS allow_drop_detached = 1;

  3. Run the following command to check whether there is any detached part data in the system.detached_parts system catalog:

    select * from system.detached_parts;

    If the command output is empty, there is no detached part data in this system catalog.

Scaling In ClickHouseServer Nodes

Before removing ClickHouseServer instance nodes, you need to decommission them. Multiple node replicas of the same shard must be decommissioned at the same time. If there is a faulty ClickHouseServer instance node in the cluster, all instance nodes of the cluster cannot be decommissioned. For more constraints, see Constraints on ClickHouseServer Scale-in.
  • Perform the decommissioning in idle hours because the operation will occupy certain bandwidth resources.
  • The decommissioning operation can be performed only to ClickHouseServer. ClickHouseBalancer cannot be decommissioned.
  • This operation is only supported for MRS 3.1.2 and later.
  1. Use PuTTY to log in to the node where ClickHouseServer is installed as user root and run the following command:

    echo 'select * from system.clusters' | curl -k 'https://IP address of the node where the ClickHouseServer instance is located:Port number/' -u ck_user:Password --data-binary @-

    Record the nodes of the same shard. In the following command output, the nodes with the same number in bold belong to the same shard.

    [root@kwephispra44948 ~]# echo 'select * from  system.clusters' | curl -k '' -u ck_user:Bigdata_2013  --data-binary @-
    default_cluster 1       1       1       kwephispra44947  21427   0                       0       0
    default_cluster 1       1       2       kwephispra44948  21427   0                       0       0
    • To view the port number of ClickHouseServer instance nodes, log in to FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster > Services > ClickHouse, click Configuration > All Configurations, and choose ClickHouseServer (Role) on the left.

      In security mode (Kerberos authentication enabled), check the value of https_port, which is the port of a ClickHouseServer instance node.

      In common mode (Kerberos authentication disabled), check the value of http_port, which is the port of a ClickHouseServer instance node.

    • ck_user indicates the created ClickHouse user, which must be bound to a role with the ClickHouse administrator permission. For details about how to create a user and a role, see Creating an MRS Cluster User and Managing MRS Cluster Roles, respectively.

  2. Log in to the MRS console and click the cluster name to go to the cluster details page.
  3. Click the Components tab and click ClickHouse. Then switch to Instances, select the ClickHouseServer instances to be removed, click More, and select Decommission.
  4. Click the Components tab and click ClickHouse. Then click More, and select Synchronize Configuration.
  5. Click the Nodes tab and click the ClickHouseServer instance node that has been decommissioned.
  6. On the ECS page, click Stop. In the displayed dialog box, select Forcibly stop the preceding ECSs and click Yes.
  7. Go back to the MRS console, click the Nodes tab, locate the row that contains the target node group, and click Scale In in the Operation column to go to the Scale In page.
  8. Set Scale-In Type to Specific node and select the node to be removed.
  9. Select I understand the consequences of performing the scale-in operation. Click OK.
  10. Click the Components tab and check whether each component is normal. If any component is abnormal, wait for 5 to 10 minutes and check the component status again. If the fault persists, contact Huawei Cloud technical support.
  11. Click the Alarms tab and check whether there are exception alarms. If there are exception alarms, clear them before performing other operations.

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