Help Center> Migration Center> User Guide> Migration Solution Design> Associating Source Servers with Target Servers
Updated on 2024-05-06 GMT+08:00

Associating Source Servers with Target Servers

You can associate source servers with existing servers on Huawei Cloud. Then your workloads can be migrated to these Huawei Cloud servers.

For source servers with target servers bound, there is no need to assess them before you create workflows to execute migrations.


You have finished resource discovery by referring to Discovering Resources – Simple Project.


A target server must meet the following requirements:

  • The target server must be stopped.
  • During the migration, disks on the target server are formatted and re-partitioned based on the source disk settings for receiving data migrated from the source server.
  • To migrate over the Internet, the target server must be able to access the Internet.
  • The target server must be in the same region as the application to which the source server is added.


  1. Log in to the MgC console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Design > Migration Solutions.
  3. Click View Resources in the Target Configuration card.
  4. On the displayed Servers tab page, locate a source server and click Associate in the Target Association column.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, select the region of the application and select a project. You can reduce the disk capacity of the target server based on the source server disk information.

    • Only Linux disk sizes can be decreased, and decreased sizes must be larger than the used sizes of source disks.
    • In the cross-AZ migration scenario, disk sizes can only be increased. Even if you decrease disk sizes here, the settings will not be applied, and the system will create target disks as large as source disks.

  6. Click OK. After the association is complete, Associated is displayed in the Target Association column. You can click Details to view the specifications of the associated target server. The system will automatically check whether the disk capacity of the associated target server is reduced compared with the source server. If it is, Yes will be displayed in the Disk Size Decreased column. If it is not, No will be displayed.

Dissociating a Source Server from the Target Server

  1. On the Servers tab page, locate the source server and click Dissociate from Target in the Operation column.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes. Please note that this operation cannot be undone.