Updated on 2024-09-19 GMT+08:00

Viewing Real-Time Logs

Logs are reported to LTS about every minute, allowing you to view them on the Real-Time Logs page within 1 minute after configuring log ingestion. This enables rapid search and analysis.

  • When real-time logs exceed 1 MB in size but are fewer than 2,000 in total, LTS clears the initial 500 KB of logs, retaining only the most recent 500 KB.
  • When real-time logs do not exceed 1 MB in size but exceed 2,000 in number, LTS clears the first 1,000 logs, retaining the latest 1,000.

Log data is usually loaded every 5 seconds. However, if no data is generated in a 5-second interval, no new data will be displayed. Log data will be updated in the next 5 seconds if there is new data coming in that interval.


Viewing Real-Time Logs

Stay on the Real-Time Logs tab page to keep updating them in real time. If you leave the Real-Time Logs tab page, logs will stop being loaded. The next time you access the tab page, the logs that were shown before you left the tab page will not be displayed.

  1. Log in to the LTS console. The Log Management page is displayed by default.
  2. Click the target log group or stream. The log stream details page is displayed.
  3. Click the Real-Time Logs tab to view the real-time logs.

    Filter host and K8s logs by source.

    • If Source is set to Host, set the host IP address and file path.
    • If Source is set to K8s, set the instance name, container name, and file path.

    Logs are reported to LTS once every minute. You may wait for at most 1 minute before the logs are displayed.

    In addition, you can customize log display by clicking Clear or Pause in the upper right corner.
    • Filter: Obtain data from the index configuration, structuring configuration, and latest logs.
    • Clear: Displayed logs will be cleared from the real-time view.
    • Pause: Loading of new logs to the real-time view will be paused.

      After you click Pause, the button changes to Continue. You can click Continue to resume the log loading to the real-time view.