Help Center> High Performance Computing> HPC-S² User Guide> Overview> Interaction Between HPC-S² and Other Services
Updated on 2022-02-10 GMT+08:00

Interaction Between HPC-S² and Other Services


Interaction with HPC-S²


Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

You can purchase ECSs to create HPC clusters or use existing ECSs to deploy HPC clusters.

Purchasing an ECS

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

The cloud servers required for the same high-performance computing task are located in a single VPC, where subnets and security groups are configured for access control.

Image Management Service (IMS)

You can use public, private, or shared images to create cloud servers required for high-performance computing.

You can also create private images from the cloud servers fulfilling high-performance computing.

Creating a Private Image

Elastic Volume Service (EVS)

EVS disks can be attached to cloud servers to provide additional storage.

Purchasing an EVS Disk

Scalable File Service (SFS)

SFS provides hosted shared file storage for cloud servers.

Sharing Files