Updated on 2022-08-31 GMT+08:00


  • Restart

    Click Reload to restart the current instance. Restarting an instance will terminate all on-going sessions and create a session. Any ongoing process will be terminated, and data that is not persistently stored will be cleared.

  • Settings

    Click Settings to set the font size and style of the current instance.

  • Upload/Download

    You can upload files to the user directory in the workspace. You can also download a file in the workspace to a local directory.

    Click Upload or Download to upload or download a file.

  • Resource manager

    Manage files in the user directory of the current instance.

    Click Explorer to open the file manager.

    The file manager is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Right-click the icon in the red box and close or collapse the file view.

  • Terminal

    The CLI integrates the functions of online terminals. You can create multiple terminals on it. When multiple terminals are opened, all of them are connected to the same instance. The number of instances does not increase as you open a new terminal.

    Click New Terminal to create a terminal.

  • Help

    Click Help to obtain more support information or view the privacy statement.