Updated on 2024-06-17 GMT+08:00

Querying System Parameters in the Profile List

KooCLI supports multiple profiles. Run the following command to query system parameters in the profile list. The query result can be output in a table or in JSON or TSV format. By default, the query result is output in JSON format.

hcloud configure list

hcloud configure list
  "language": "cn",
  "offline": "true",
  "agreePrivacy": "true",
  "warning": "true",
  "current": "test",
  "profiles": [
      "name": "default",
      "mode": "AKSK",
      "accessKeyId": "********",
      "secretAccessKey": "****",
      "securityToken": "",
      "region": "ap-southeast-1",
      "projectId": "060576****************134588f135",
      "domainId": "",
      "skipSecureVerify": "false",
      "readTimeout": 10,
      "connectTimeout": 5,
      "retryCount": 0
      "name": "test",
      "mode": "AKSK",
      "accessKeyId": "********",
      "secretAccessKey": "****",
      "securityToken": "",
      "region": "ap-southeast-1",
      "projectId": "",
      "domainId": "",
      "skipSecureVerify": "false",
      "readTimeout": 10,
      "connectTimeout": 5,
      "retryCount": 0

The values of sensitive parameters are anonymized.

Use --cli-query to filter the query result, and use --cli-output to specify the output format. The default output format is JSON. For example, output the query result in JSON format and filter the AK/SK in each profile:

hcloud configure list --cli-output=json --cli-query="profiles[].{Name:name,AK:accessKeyId,SK:secretAccessKey}"
    "AK": "********",
    "Name": "default",
    "SK": "****"
    "AK": "********",
    "Name": "test",
    "SK": "****"

To output the query result in a table, add --cli-output=table in the command.

hcloud configure list --cli-output=table --cli-query="profiles[].[name,accessKeyId,secretAccessKey,projectId]"

To output the query result in TSV format, add --cli-output=tsv in the command.

hcloud configure list --cli-output=tsv --cli-query="profiles[0].[name,accessKeyId,secretAccessKey,projectId]"