Updated on 2023-07-25 GMT+08:00



When you push code to or pull code from a cloud repository, the cloud repository needs to verify your identity and permissions. SSH and HTTPS are two authentication modes for remote access to CodeHub.

  • SSH Keys: An SSH key is used to establish a secure connection between your local computer and CodeHub under your account.

    After you configure an SSH key on a local computer and add the public key to CodeHub, you can use the SSH key to access all code repositories under your account from your computer.

    Before connecting to CodeHub in SSH mode, generate an SSH key on your computer and configure it in CodeHub.

  • HTTPS Passwords: An HTTPS password is a user credential used for pulling and pushing code using the HTTPS protocol.

    Each developer needs to set a password only once, and the password takes effect for all repositories in the project.

    The maximum size of a package that can be pushed at a time using HTTPS is 500 MB. If the size is greater than 500 MB, use the SSH mode.

Either SSH or HTTPS can be used to push or pull code. Set SSH keys or HTTPS passwords as required.