Updated on 2023-07-25 GMT+08:00

HTTPS Passwords


When you push code to or pull code from a cloud repository, the cloud repository needs to verify your identity and permissions. HTTPS is an authentication mode for remote access to CodeHub.

  • An HTTPS password is a user credential used for pulling and pushing code using the HTTPS protocol. Each developer needs to set a password only once and can use it for all repositories.
  • Keep your HTTPS password secure and change it periodically to avoid security risks.

Obtaining an HTTPS Password

Set the initial password upon the first login.

You can perform the following steps to change the HTTPS password at any time:

  1. Log in to the CodeHub repository list, switch to your region, and click Set HTTPS Password. The HTTPS Password page is displayed.

  2. Click Change, reset the password, and save the settings.

After the password is reset, regenerate a repository credential. Otherwise, you cannot interact with the cloud repository.

Verifying Whether an HTTPS Password Takes Effect

After setting an HTTPS password, you can perform HTTPS-clone on the repository that you have the access permission on the client. A dialog box is displayed, asking you to enter the account and password. If the clone is successful, the password is configured.

Related Information

Regenerating a repository credential:

If a clone fails and the message The project you were looking for could not be found is displayed, regenerate a credential and check the whitelist.
  • If the password is incorrect, delete the local credential (for example, on Windows, choose Control Panel > User Accounts > Manage Windows Credentials > Generic Credentials), use HTTPS to clone the cloud repository again, and enter the correct account and password in the dialog box that is displayed.
  • Check the IP address whitelist. If no whitelist is configured, all IP addresses are allowed to access the repository. If a whitelist is configured, only IP addresses in the whitelist are allowed to access the repository.

If "SSL certificate problem" is displayed, run the following command:

git config --global http.sslVerify false