Help Center/ Cognitive Engagement Center/ User Guide/ Tenant Administrator Guide/ Configuring Intelligent IVR/ FAQs/ Why Are Some Intentions Matched Despite Low Matching Rates?

Why Are Some Intentions Matched Despite Low Matching Rates?

After the information entered by the user is parsed by the TUC, a matching rate is generated. The matching rate is compared with the matching rate threshold defined in the system to determine whether the intention is matched or not.

Configure the matching rate under System Management >System Configuration > Intelligent Engine Parameter Configuration > Intention Parameters.

Improper settings of intention parameters will cause the semantic recognition module to run abnormally or decrease the accuracy. Therefore, exercise caution when setting intention parameters under the guidance of engineers.

Currently, the intention decision module has two parameters:

If the matching rate is greater than the value of Upper Limit, the intention is matched and returned. If the matching rate is less than the value of Lower Limit, the intention is regarded as an unknown intention. If the matching rate is between the values of Lower Limit and Upper Limit, the intentions are also regarded as matched intentions. That is, in the configuration, as long as the intention matching rate is greater than 20%, the intention is matched.