Updated on 2024-06-20 GMT+08:00


You can view the total number of requests, cache hit ratio, and queries per second of all your domain names (excluding those deleted if you have enabled the enterprise project function).
  • Data of the past 90 days can be queried, and each query can include data of up to 31 days.
  • The access information is displayed based on the log statistics. The data is updated once an hour.
  • If no data is available within the queried time range, no data is displayed on the total requests, cache hit ratio, and queries per second trend charts or in the domain name access details list.
  • You can export the query results.
  • The minimum granularity is 5 minutes. If the query time range is 8 days or longer, the minimum granularity is 4 hours.
  • You can filter domain names by tag or service type.


  • If the service area of your domain name is global, you must query the statistics of this domain name by choosing Chinese mainland and International respectively.
  • You can query the cache hit ratio only when setting Region to Chinese mainland or International.


  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud console. Choose Service List > Content Delivery & Edge Computing > Content Delivery Network.

    The CDN console is displayed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Analytics > Requests.
  3. Set search criteria to query the following data:
    • Total Requests: displays the number of requests to specific domain names over time.

    • Cache Hit Ratio: displays the cache hit ratio of specific domain names over time.

      Cache hit ratio = Number of requests that hit caches/Number of total requests

    • Queries per Second: displays the queries per second of specific domain names over time.

      Queries per second is a common measure of the number of queries that domain names receive during one second.

    • Domain Name Access: displays the number of requests to specific domain names, cache hit ratio, and queries per second.

      You can click Total Requests, Cache Hit Ratio, or Queries per Second on the table heading to view the statistics in either descending or ascending order.