Updated on 2024-06-06 GMT+08:00


If the destination link of a job is an OBS link, that is, data is to be imported to OBS, configure the destination job parameters based on Table 1.

Advanced attributes are optional and not displayed by default. You can click Show Advanced Attributes to display them.

Table 1 Parameter description




Example Value

Basic parameters

Bucket Name

Name of the OBS bucket that data will be written to


Write Directory

OBS directory to which data will be written. Do not add / in front of the directory name.

This parameter can be configured as a macro variable of date and time and a path name can contain multiple macro variables. When the macro variable of date and time works with a scheduled job, the incremental data can be synchronized periodically. For details, see Incremental Synchronization Using the Macro Variables of Date and Time.


If you have configured a macro variable of date and time and schedule a CDM job through DataArts Studio DataArts Factory, the system replaces the macro variable of date and time with (Planned start time of the data development jobOffset) rather than (Actual start time of the CDM jobOffset).


File Format

Format in which data is written. The options are as follows:
  • CSV: Data is written in CSV format, which is used for migrating data tables to files.
  • Binary: Files will be transferred directly. CDM writes the files without changing their format. This setting is suitable for file migration.

If data is migrated between file-related data sources, such as FTP, SFTP, OBS, and HDFS, the value of File Format must the same as the source file format.

  • The format can only be CSV when the source link is an MRS Hive link.
  • If the source is an FTP/SFTP server, only the binary format is supported.


Duplicate File Processing Method

This parameter is available when the migration source is HDFS.

Files with the same name and size are identified as duplicate files. If there are duplicate files during data writing, the following methods are available:
  • Replace
  • Skip
  • Stop job

For details, see Incremental File Migration.


Advanced attributes


Whether to encrypt the uploaded data and the encryption mode. The options are as follows:
  • None: Data is written without encryption.
  • KMS: KMS in Data Encryption Workshop (DEW) is used for encryption. If KMS encryption is enabled, MD5 verification for data cannot be performed.

For details, see Encryption and Decryption During File Migration.



Data encryption key. This parameter is displayed when Encryption is set to KMS. Click next to the text box to select the KMS key that was created in DEW.

  • If the KMS key of the same project as that of the CDM cluster is used, you do not need to modify Project ID.
  • If the KMS key of another project is used, you need to modify Project ID.


Project ID

ID of the project to which KMS ID belongs. The default value is the ID of the project to which the current CDM cluster belongs.

  • If KMS and the CDM cluster are in the same project, retain the default value of Project ID.
  • If KMS of another project is used, set this parameter to the ID of the project to which KMS belongs.


Copy Content-Type

This parameter is displayed only when File Format is Binary, and both the migration source and destination are object storage.

If you set this parameter to Yes, the Content-Type attribute of the source file is copied during object file migration. This function is mainly used for static website migration.

The Content-Type attribute cannot be written to Archive buckets. Therefore, if you set this parameter to Yes, the migration destination must be a non-Archive bucket.


Line Separator

Lind feed character in a file. By default, the system automatically identifies \n, \r, and \r\n. This parameter is not used when File Format is set to Binary.


Field Delimiter

Field delimiter in the file. This parameter is not used when File Format is set to Binary.


File Size

This parameter is displayed only when the migration source is a database. Files are partitioned as multiple files by size so that they can be exported in proper size. The unit is MB.


Validate MD5 Value

The MD5 value can be verified only when files are transferred in Binary format. KMS encryption cannot be used if the MD5 value needs to be verified.

Calculate the MD5 value of the source files and verify it with the MD5 value returned by OBS. If an MD5 file exists on the migration source, the system directly reads the MD5 file from the migration source and verifies it with the MD5 value returned by OBS. For details, see MD5 Verification.


Record MD5 Verification Result

Whether to record the MD5 verification result when Validate MD5 Value is set to Yes


Record MD5 Link

OBS link to which the MD5 verification result will be written


Record MD5 Bucket

OBS bucket to which the MD5 verification result will be written


Record MD5 Directory

Directory to which the MD5 verification result will be written


Encoding Type

Encoding type, for example, UTF-8 or GBK. This parameter is not used when File Format is set to Binary.


Use Quote Character

This parameter is displayed only when File Format is CSV. It is used when database tables are migrated to file systems.

If you set this parameter to Yes and a field in the source data table contains a field delimiter or line separator, CDM uses double quotation marks (") as the quote character to quote the field content as a whole to prevent a field delimiter from dividing a field into two fields, or a line separator from dividing a field into different lines. For example, if the hello,world field in the database is quoted, it will be exported to the CSV file as a whole.


Use First Row as Header

This parameter is displayed only when data is exported from a relational database to OBS and File Format is set to CSV.

When a table is migrated to a CSV file, CDM does not migrate the heading line of the table by default. If you set this parameter to Yes, CDM writes the heading line of the table to the file.


Job Success Marker File

Whether to generate a marker file with a custom name in the destination directory after a job is executed successfully. If you do not specify a file name, this function is disabled by default.


Folder Mode

This parameter is available only when data is exported from a relational database to OBS.

If this function is enabled, generated files are named in the following format: Root directory-Table name-Data type-Data folder format. Example: raw_schema/tbl_student/datas/tbl_student_1.csv


Blog/Clog File Name Extension

This parameter is available only when Folder Mode is set to Yes. It specifies the extension for the names of the files that contain custom Blob/Clog data in folder mode.


Customize Hierarchical Directory

If this parameter is set to Yes, the files after migration can be stored in a custom directory. That is, only files are migrated. The directories to which the files belong are not migrated.


Hierarchical Directory

Custom storage directory for files after migration. The time macro variable is supported.


If the source link is a relational database link, the directory name consists of the source table name and a custom directory name. In other scenarios, the directory is a custom directory.

${dateformat(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, -1, DAY)}

Customize File Name

This parameter is displayed only when data is exported from a relational database to OBS and File Format is set to CSV.

This parameter specifies the name of the file generated by OBS. The options are as follows:
  • Character string: Special characters are allowed. For example, if this parameter is set to cdm#, the name of the generated file is cdm#.csv.
  • Macro variable of time: If this parameter is set to ${timestamp()}, the name of the generated file is 1554108737.csv.
  • Macro variable of table name: If this parameter is set to ${tableName}, the name of the generated file is the source table name sqltabname.csv.
  • Macro variable of version number: If this parameter is set to ${version}, the name of the generated file is the cluster version number
  • Any combination of the character string and macro variable (macro variable of time, table name, or version number). For example, if this parameter is set to cdm#${timestamp()}_${version}, the name of the generated file is cdm#1554108737_2.9.2.200.csv.
