Updated on 2023-04-20 GMT+08:00


The RFS Visual Designer is a graphic tool for creating, viewing, and modifying templates. Using the designer, you can drag elements to the canvas, directly connect them, and then edit their details in a visual form.

The designer can help you quickly understand the relationships between elements in templates and modify templates easily.

The designer has the following advantages:

  • Visualizing template resources

    The Visual Designer visualizes template resources to offer you a better insight.

    The Visual Designer defines resources in the template metadata, such as resource size. When you open a template, the designer automatically adds the metadata and the layout is saved. Therefore, when you re-open the template, the last-saved template is displayed.

  • Simplifying template compiling

    When you compile template resources in a JSON or TF file, the process is complex and error-prone. In the designer, you can add resources to the template by dragging resources to the canvas and drawing lines between resources to create a relationship.

  • Simplifying editing with the Visual Designer

    The designer allows you to modify templates. Text designer is not required. The designer also supports autocomplete and lists all property names for a resource.