Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00

Connecting MongoDB Exporter

Application Scenario

When using MongoDB, you need to monitor MongoDB running and locate their faults in a timely manner. The Prometheus monitoring function monitors MongoDB running using Exporter in the CCE container scenario. This section describes how to deploy MongoDB Exporter and implement alarm access.

You are advised to use CCE for unified Exporter management.


Deploying MongoDB Exporter

  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Click the connected cluster. The cluster management page is displayed.
  3. Perform the following operations to deploy Exporter:

    1. Configure a secret.

      In the navigation pane, choose ConfigMaps and Secrets. Then click Create from YAML in the upper right corner of the page. YAML configuration example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
          name: mongodb-secret-test
          namespace: default
      type: Opaque
          datasource: "mongodb://{user}:{passwd}@{host1}:{port1},{host2}:{port2},{host3}:{port3}/admin"  # Corresponding URI.
      • The password has been encrypted based on Opaque requirements.
      • For details about how to configure a secret, see Creating a Secret.
    2. Deploy MongoDB Exporter.
      In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. In the upper right corner, click Create Workload. Then select the Deployment workload and select a desired namespace to deploy MongoDB Exporter. YAML configuration example for deploying Exporter:
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
          k8s-app: mongodb-exporter # Change the value based on service requirements. You are advised to add the MongoDB instance information.
        name: mongodb-exporter # Change the value based on service requirements. You are advised to add the MongoDB instance information.
        namespace: default #Must be the same as the namespace of MongoDB.
        replicas: 1
            k8s-app: mongodb-exporter # Change the value based on service requirements. You are advised to add the MongoDB instance information.
              k8s-app: mongodb-exporter # Change the value based on service requirements. You are advised to add the MongoDB instance information.
              - args:
                  - --collect.database       # Enable collection of database metrics.
                  - --collect.collection     # Enable collection of metric sets.
                  - --collect.topmetrics     # Enable collection of database header metrics.
                  - --collect.indexusage     # Enable collection of index usage statistics.
                  - --collect.connpoolstats  # Enable collection of MongoDB connection pool statistics.
                  - name: MONGODB_URI
                        name: mongodb-secret-test
                        key: datasource
                image: swr.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/mall-swarm-demo/mongodb-exporter:0.10.0
                imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                name: mongodb-exporter
                  - containerPort: 9216
                    name: metric-port  # Required when you configure a capture task.
                  privileged: false
                terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
                terminationMessagePolicy: File
            dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
              - name: default-secret
            restartPolicy: Always
            schedulerName: default-scheduler
            securityContext: { }
            terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: mongodb-exporter
        type: NodePort
          k8s-app: mongodb-exporter
          - protocol: TCP
            nodePort: 30003
            port: 9216
            targetPort: 9216

      For more details about Exporter parameters, see mongodb_exporter.

    1. Check whether MongoDB Exporter is successfully deployed.
      1. On the Deployments tab page, click the Deployment created in 3.b. In the pod list, choose More > View Logs in the Operation column. The Exporter is successfully started and its access address is exposed.
      1. Perform verification using one of the following methods:
        • Log in to a cluster node and run either of the following commands:
          curl http://{Cluster IP address}:9216/metrics
          curl http://{Private IP address of any node in the cluster}:30003/metrics
        • Access http://{Public IP address of any node in the cluster}:30003/metrics.
          Figure 1 Accessing a cluster node
        • In the instance list, choose More > Remote Login in the Operation column and run the following command:
          curl http://localhost:9216/metric

Collecting Service Data of the CCE Cluster

Add PodMonitor to configure a collection rule for monitoring the service data of applications deployed in the CCE cluster.

In the following example, metrics are collected every 30s. Therefore, you can check the reported metrics on the AOM page about 30s later.

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: PodMonitor
  name: mongodb-exporter
  namespace: default
      - default # Namespace where Exporter is located.
  - interval: 30s
    path: /metrics
    port: metric-port
      k8s-app: mongodb-exporter

Verifying that Metrics Can Be Reported to AOM

  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Prometheus Monitoring > Instances.
  3. Click the Prometheus instance connected to the CCE cluster. The instance details page is displayed.
  4. On the Metrics tab page of the Service Discovery page, select your target cluster.
  5. Select job {namespace}/MongoDB-exporter to query custom metrics starting with mongodb.

Setting a Dashboard and Alarm Rule on AOM

By setting a dashboard, you can monitor CCE cluster data on the same screen. By setting an alarm rule, you can detect cluster faults and implement warning in a timely manner.

  • Setting a dashboard
    1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard. On the displayed page, click Add Dashboard to add a dashboard. For details, see Creating a Dashboard.
    3. On the Dashboard page, select a Prometheus instance for CCE and click Add Graph. For details, see Adding a Graph to a Dashboard.
  • Setting an alarm rule
    1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Management > Alarm Rules.
    3. Click Create Alarm Rule to set an alarm rule. For details, see Creating a Metric Alarm Rule.