Updated on 2025-03-03 GMT+08:00

High-Risk Commands

High-risk commands affect the normal running of the system or services, or cause special system files to be maliciously deleted or modified. For high-risk commands related to Automation, see Table 1.

Table 1 Description of high-risk commands

High-Risk Command Name

Verification Rule



vi /etc/xxx.xx command


vi /etc/vconsole.conf

Modifying system files may affect the normal running of the system and services or make your system unrecoverable.

service xxx restart/stop command


service network stop

If a command contains service xxx restart/stop, services may be restarted or stopped, affecting the normal running of the system or services.

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdxxx command


mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda

If a command contains mkfs.ext3 /dev/xdxxx, the block device will be formatted, making your system unrecoverable.

umount command


umount -v /dev/sda1

The normal running of the system or services may be affected.

poweroff command



If a command contains poweroff, hosts may be powered off, affecting the system or service running.

kill command


kill 12345

If a command contains kill, the running programs or tasks may be deleted, affecting the normal running of the system or services.

mv xxx /dev/null command


mv test /dev/null

If a command contains mv xxx /dev/null, xxx files may be deleted.

xxx > /dev/sdx command


cat test.txt > /dev/sda

If a command contains > /dev/xdx, all data in the path may be lost.

init 0 command


init 0

If a command contains init 0, hosts may be shut down, affecting the normal running of the system or services.

reboot command



If a command contains reboot, a device may be restarted, affecting the normal running of the system or services.

halt command



If a command contains halt, a device may be powered off, affecting the normal running of the system or services.

Fork Bomb



Command injection attacks may occur, causing system breakdown.

rm command


rm test.txt

If a command contains rm, special system files may be maliciously deleted or modified.

> file command


> file

If a command contains >, the file content may be cleared.

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdxxx command


dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda

Random junk files are written to block device sdxxx to erase data. As a result, the system may become disordered and cannot be recovered.

shutdown command


shutdown -h now

If a command contains shutdown, hosts may be shut down, affecting the system or service running.