Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00


On the device list, click a device to open the Device Details page.

The Information tab page provides basic information about device registration and access. You can click Edit to modify some information.

Table 1 Information tab page



Latest Data Reported

Latest data reported by the device. By default, the latest eight properties reported are displayed. You can click View All Properties to view the latest 20 properties.

Basic Information

Information entered during device registration and the information generated by the IoT platform.

  • The registration information includes Device Name, Node ID, Region, Time Zone, and Authentication Type.
  • The automatically generated information includes Device ID and Status.

    The device status is as follows:

    • Online: A device is connected to the IoT platform. If a short-connection device (such as an NB-IoT device) reports no data for 49 consecutive hours (default) after connecting to the IoT platform, the IoT platform changes the device status from Online to Offline.
    • Offline: If a short-connection device (such as an NB-IoT device) reports no data for 49 consecutive hours (default) after connecting to the IoT platform, the IoT platform sets the device status to Offline. If a long-connection device is disconnected from the IoT platform, the device status is changed to Offline.
    • Inactive: A device has been registered but not connected to the IoT platform. The device activation procedure is described in Connecting a Device.


Information entered during device registration and basic information reported by the device.
  • The registration information includes Device Type, Manufacturer Name, Manufacturer ID, Model, and Protocol.
  • Basic device information reported by the device after being connected to the IoT platform includes Serial Number, Firmware Version, Software Version, and MAC Address.


Information as follows:

  • Gateway ID: If a sub device (for example, a sensor) is connected to the IoT platform through a gateway, the gateway ID is displayed. If the device is directly connected, the device ID is displayed.
  • Group Name: specifies the name of the group to which the device is bound. A device can be bound to only one group.


Information about the device connected to the IoT platform, including:

  • Access Mode: specifies the network access mode of the device, such as NB-IoT, LTE, GSM, WLAN, or Bluetooth. It is automatically generated based on the access mode of the device.
  • IMEI: a type of node ID, which uniquely identifies a device. An administrator can query a device on the Management Portal by IMEI.
  • IP: specifies the IP address of the device. The device IP address is reported to the IoT platform during device registration.
  • IMSI: specifies the IMSI of the device, which is used for fault locating on the EPC network. The IMSI is reported to the IoT platform during device registration.
  • Cell ID: identifies the cell accessed by the device. It is reported during device registration and updated during data reporting. The cell ID can be used to accurately locate the cell of a device.


Longitude and latitude of the device location or area information of the device. If the device can report GPS information and the Location service is included in the product model, the latest longitude and latitude of the device are displayed when the device reports data.


Tags of the device so that you can quickly identify device properties. For example, if you define the tag water_Device with the value set to A_Region for a water meter, you know the device is a water meter in region A.