Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00


The Statistics tab page provides statistics on communication between an application and the IoT platform. You can click View on the right of each row to view details.

Table 1 Items on the Statistics tab page



Data Update Period

Data Reporting Statistics

The number of data reporting messages from directly connected devices in the past 72 hours (excluding device status change data, for example, device go-online). The reported data type can be the temperature, battery, and others.

  • The metrics include Total, Successful, Failed, and Success rate.
  • The metrics are measured over time, and the IoT platform supports filtering by metric or time range.

30 minutes

Command Event Statistics

The number of control instructions sent from the IoT platform or NAs to devices.
  • The metrics include Total, Successful, Failed, and Success rate.
  • The metrics are measured over time, and the IoT platform supports filtering by metric or time range.

30 minutes

Application Flow Control

The IoT platform controls the number of messages simultaneously reported by all devices under the same application ID. This prevents system performance from deteriorating or the system from breaking down when the devices experience exceptions or are attacked. The data of the past 24 hours is retained.

Manually refreshed