Help Center> Database and Application Migration UGO> FAQs> Product Consulting> Instance Freezing, Release, and Deletion
Updated on 2023-07-25 GMT+08:00

Instance Freezing, Release, and Deletion

Why Are My UGO Resources Released?

If your subscriptions have expired but not been renewed, or you are in arrears due to insufficient balance, your resources enter a grace period. If you still do not complete the payment or renewal after the grace period expires, you will enter a retention period. During the retention period, the resources are not available. If you still do not renew them or top up your account after the retention period ends, your resources will be released and your data stored will be deleted. For details, see Service Suspension and Resource Release.

Why Are My UGO Resources Frozen?

Your UGO resources may be frozen for a variety of reasons. The most common reason is that you are in arrears.

How Do I Unfreeze My Resources?

Frozen due to arrears: You can renew your resources or top up your account.

The frozen resources can be renewed, released, or deleted.

What Impacts Does Instance Freezing, Unfreezing or Release Have on My Services?

  • After the UGO resources are frozen:
    • You can only view existing projects, and are not allowed to modify, delete, create projects or convert SQL statements.
    • You can manually delete UGO.
  • After your resources are unfrozen, you can perform operations such as creation.
  • After your resources are released, UGO will be deleted.

How Do I Renew My Resources?

After UGO expires, you can renew it on the Renewals page. For details, see Renewal Management.

Can My Resources Be Recovered After Being Released?

Deleted resources cannot be recovered.

Product Consulting FAQs
