Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Troubleshooting/ Using Kafka/ Failed to Start Kafka Due to Account Lockout
Updated on 2023-11-30 GMT+08:00

Failed to Start Kafka Due to Account Lockout


In a new cluster, Kafka fails to be started. The error message indicates that the startup failure is caused by failed authentication.

/home/omm/kerberos/bin/kinit -k -t ${BIGDATA_HOME}/etc/2_15_ Broker /kafka.keytab kafka/ -c ${BIGDATA_HOME}/etc/2_15_ Broker /11846 failed.
export key tab file for kafka/ failed.export and check keytab file failed, errMsg=]}] for Broker #
[2015-07-11 02:34:33] RoleInstance started failure for ROLE[name: Broker].
[2015-07-11 02:34:34] Failed to complete the instances start operation. Current operation entities: [Broker #], Failure entites : [Broker #].Operation Failed.Failed to complete the instances start operation. Current operation entities: [Broker#], Failure entites: [Broker #].

Cause Analysis

The Kerberos log /var/log/Bigdata/kerberos/krb5kdc.log shows that IP addresses outside the cluster set up connections using a Kafka account, resulting in consecutive authentication failures and account lockout.
Jul 11 02:49:16 192-168-1-91 krb5kdc[1863](info): AS_REQ (2 etypes {18 17}) NEEDED_PREAUTH: kafka/ for krbtgt/HADOOP.COM@HADOOP.COM, Additional pre-authentication required
Jul 11 02:49:16 192-168-1-91 krb5kdc[1863](info): preauth (encrypted_timestamp) verify failure: Decrypt integrity check failed
Jul 11 02:49:16 192-168-1-91 krb5kdc[1863](info): AS_REQ (2 etypes {18 17}) PREAUTH_FAILED: kafka/ for krbtgt/HADOOP.COM@HADOOP.COM, Decrypt integrity check failed


Log in to a node outside the cluster (for example, in the cause analysis) and disable Kafka authentication. Wait 5 minutes for the account to be unlocked.