Help Center> Data Replication Service> Troubleshooting> Failure Cases> Real-Time Synchronization from MySQL to GaussDB(DWS)> Incremental Synchronization Error: Check whether dws supports the DDL
Updated on 2024-07-11 GMT+08:00

Incremental Synchronization Error: Check whether dws supports the DDL


During incremental synchronization, an error is reported, and the log information is as follows: service INCREMENT failed, cause by: Check whether dws supports the DDL. For support, please contact dws Services. DDL:alter table gltest01.t_pk4 add column a3 int after c1. failed by:ERROR: FIRST/AFTER is not yet supported.

Possible Causes

The destination GaussDB(DWS) instance does not support a specified DDL statement.


  1. Contact GaussDB(DWS) technical support to execute this statement with the same semantics in the destination database and the statement must comply with the syntax of the destination database.
  2. After the statement is executed on the destination database, click Skip DDL in the Operation column to skip the error.

    Figure 1 Skip DDL