Help Center> Cloud Eye> User Guide (Ankara Region)> FAQs> Server Monitoring> What Should I Do If the Agent Status Is Faulty?
Updated on 2024-04-17 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If the Agent Status Is Faulty?

The OS monitoring Agent sends a heartbeat message to Cloud Eye every minute. If Cloud Eye does not receive any heartbeat messages for three consecutive minutes, Agent Status is Faulty.

It may because:

  • Your account is in arrears.
  • If the Agent process is faulty, restart it by following the instructions provided in Managing the Agent. If the restart fails, related files have been deleted accidentally. In this case, reinstall the Agent.
  • The server time is inconsistent with the local standard time.
  • The log path varies depending on the Agent version.

    The log paths are as follows:

    • Linux:

      New Agent version: /usr/local/uniagent/extension/install/telescope/log/ces.log

      Early Agent version: /usr/local/telescope/log/ces.log

    • Windows:

      New version: C:\Program Files\uniagent\extension\install\telescope\log\ces.log

      Earlier version: C:\Program Files\telescope\log\ces.log

It may be that the Agent is incorrectly configured. Check whether the DNS server address is correct. If it is, check the Agent configurations by referring to Modifying the DNS Server Address and Adding Security Group Rules (Linux) and (Optional) Manually Configuring the Agent (Linux).

Locate the cause in log /usr/local/telescope/log/common.log.