Updated on 2024-04-28 GMT+08:00



dws-connector-flink is a tool used to connect dwsclient to flink. The tool encapsulates dwsClient. Its overall import capability is the same as that of dwsClient. Currently, only the DynamicTableSourceFactory and DynamicTableSinkFactory interfaces are implemented. The CatalogFactory interface is not implemented. Therefore, catalogs are not supported.

How to Use

  • Through a JAR package
    dws-connector-flink has been added to the Maven repository. You can select the latest version. For details, visit https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.huaweicloud.dws.
  • Through Flink SQL

    When using Flink SQL to implement dws-connector-flink, you need to place the dws-connector-flink package and its dependencies in the Flink class loading directory. In 1.0.3 and later versions, the packages with dependencies have been released to the Maven repository. You can download the packages from the repository.

    1. Select the package that is consistent with your Flink environment.

    2. Go to the details page.

    3. Select the required version.

    4. Select to view all files.
      • The files whose name ends with jar-with-dependencies or all are dependent packages and can be used.
      • If the Flink version does not exist, use a version similar to the current version.
    5. Click the corresponding files to download them.

Scenarios & Usage

  • Sink Mode
    A DwsSink API is provided to quickly build a sink. An example is as follows:
    SinkFunction<EventLog> dwsSink = DwsSink.sink(DwsConfig.builder()
                    .withUsername("").build(), null, (DwsInvokeFunction<EventLog>) (eventLog, dwsClient, context) -> {
                        .setObject("id", eventLog.getGuid())
                        .setObject("name", eventLog.getEventId(), true)
            DataStreamSource<EventLog> source = evn.addSource(new LogSourceFunction());
    API description:
    public static <T> SinkFunction<T> sink(DwsConfig config, JSONObject context, DwsInvokeFunction<T> invoke);
    • config is a parameter of dwsClient, which is the same as that of dwsClient.
    • context is a global context provided for operations such as cache. It can be specified during dwsClient construction, and is called back each time with the data processing interface.
    • invoke is a function interface used to process data.
      * Execute data processing callback when Flink executes invoke.
      * @param value indicates the current received data.
      * @param client indicates the dwsClient constructed based on the configuration.
      * @param context indicates a global object specified during construction. This parameter is attached to each callback and can be used as a global cache.
           * @throws DwsClientException
          void accept(T value, DwsClient client, JSONObject context) throws DwsClientException;
  • SQL Mode
    1. Create a Flink table:
      tableEnvironment.executeSql("create table dws_test (" +
          "   id int,\n" +
          "   name STRING,\n" +
          "   PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED" +
          ") WITH (\n" +
          "   'connector' = 'dws',\n" +
          "   'url' = 'jdbc:postgresql://****/gaussdb',\n" +
          "   'tablename' = 'test.test'," +
          "   'username'='dbadmin'," +
          "   'password'='***'" +
    2. Write data in the data source to the test table.
      tableEnvironment.executeSql("insert into dws_test select guid as id,eventId as name from kafka_event_log")
    3. Query data from the test table.
      tableEnvironment.executeSql("select name from dws_test where id = 100 limit 10").print();

flinkSQL Configuration Parameters

Primary keys set in flink SQL is automatically mapped to unique keys in dws-client. The parameters are released with the client version. The parameter functions are the same as those on the client. The following parameters are the latest parameters.

Table 1 Database Configuration

Parameter Description


Default Value


The Flink framework differentiates connector parameters. This parameter is fixed to dws.



Database connection address



Configured connection user



Configured password



The GaussDB(DWS) table


Table 2 Connection configuration



Default Value


Number of concurrent requests at dwsClient initialization



Number of seconds after which a connection is forcibly released. The unit is second.

3600 (one hour)


Maximum idle time of a connection, in milliseconds. If the idle time of a connection exceeds the value, the connection is released.

60,000 (one minute)

Table 3 Writing parameters



Default Value


Primary key conflict policy when data is written to a table with a primary key. The options are as follows:

  • ignore: Retain the original data and ignore the updated data.
  • update: Use the non-primary key column in the new data to update the corresponding column in the original data.
  • replace: Replace the original data with the new data.

    The UPDATE and REPLACE operations are equivalent when all columns are upserted. When some columns are upserted, the REPLACE operation sets the columns that are not contained in the original data to null.



Import modes:

  • auto: The system automatically selects a mode.
  • copy_merge: If there is a primary key, data is imported to a temporary table using the COPY method and then merged from the temporary table to the target table. If no primary key exists, data is directly imported to the target table using the COPY method.
  • copy_upsert: If there is a primary key, data is imported to a temporary table using the COPY method, then imported to the target table using the UPSERT method. If no primary key exists, data is directly copied to the target table.
  • upsert: If there is a primary key, use UPSERT SQL to import data to the database. If there is no primary key, use INSERT INTO to import data to the database.
  • UPDATE: Use the UPDATE WHERE syntax to update data. If the original table does not have a primary key, you can specify unique keys. A column specified as a unique key does not need to be a unique index, but a non-unique index may impact performance.
  • COPY_UPDATE: Data is imported to a temporary table by the COPY method. Temporary tables can be used to accelerate the update using UPDATE FROM WHERE.
  • UPDATE_AUTO: If the batch size is less than copyWriteBatchSize, UPDATE is used. Otherwise, COPY_UPDATE is used.



Maximum number of attempts to import data to the database. If the execution is successful with attempts less than this value, no exception is thrown. The retry interval is 1 second multiplied by the number of attempts.



Batch size for automatic database update (batch size)



Maximum interval for automatic database update (duration for forming a batch).



When writeMode is set to auto, the batch size in the COPY method is used.



Ignores delete in Flink tasks.

false (The default value is true before 1.0.10.)


Indicates if to ignore the update of columns with null values in Flink. This parameter is valid only when conflictStrategy is set to update.



Maximum cache duration of metadata in the system, for example, table definitions (unit: second).



Format for copying data to the database:

  • CSV: Data is concatenated into a CSV file and imported to the database. This mode is stable but has low performance.
  • DELIMITER: Use separators to concatenate data before import it to the database. This mode requires that the data does not contain delimiters.



Creates a temporary table in the following methods:




Indicates whether to convert data as a timestamp to the corresponding time type if the database is of the time type and the data source is of the numeric type.



Indicates the format for converting the data source to the time type if the database is of the time type and the data source is of the string type. If this parameter is set, it is enabled.



Flink system parameter, which is used to set the number of concurrent sinks.

Follow the upstream operator.


Indicates whether to print the data primary key when the connector receives data. It can be used for troubleshooting.



Ignores update_before in Flink tasks. You need to enable this parameter for partial updates on large tables. Otherwise, the update will erase other columns and set them to null, since the data is deleted before being inserted.


Table 4 Query parameters




Default Value



The fetchSize parameter in the JDBC statement is used to control the number of records returned by the database.