Android Menu Functions
Scenario |
Button ID |
Class |
Path |
Button Name |
Description |
Bottom menu |
hwmconf_menu_audience_join |
AudienceJoinMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Attendee view |
Used by the webinar host to allow attendees to watch the webinar |
hwmconf_menu_hands |
HandsMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Raise hand/Lower hand |
Used by a guest/attendee to raise or lower their hand |
hwmconf_menu_invite |
InviteMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Invite |
Used by the host to invite users to the meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_video_btn |
CameraMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Video |
Enable or disable the camera during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_mic_btn |
MicMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Mute/Unmute |
Enable or disable the microphone during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_chat_btn |
ChatMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Chats |
Opening the chat screen during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_participants_btn |
ParticipantMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Participants |
Opening the participant list during a meeting |
hwmconf_menu_share_conf_link |
ShareConfLinkMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Share |
Sharing meeting details during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_share_screen |
ShareMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Share |
Initiating sharing during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_speaker_btn |
SpeakerMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Speaker/Earpiece |
Switching between speakers and earpieces during a meeting |
hwmconf_menu_trans_video |
TransVideoMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
Switch to video |
Switching a P2P voice call to a video call |
hwmconf_inmeeting_more_btn |
MoreMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/ |
More |
More meeting control operations |
More menu |
hwmconf_more_menu_audio_to_video |
CallAudioToVideoMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/call/ |
Video |
Switching a P2P voice call to a video call |
hwmconf_more_menu_video_to_audio |
CallVideoToAudioMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/call/ |
Switch to voice |
Switching a P2P video call to a voice call |
hwmconf_inmeeting_chat_btn |
ChatMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Chats |
Opening the chat screen during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_cloud_live |
CloudLiveMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Live broadcast |
Starting or ending streaming a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_conf_setting |
ConfSettingMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Settings |
Meeting setting button |
hwmconf_inmeeting_connect_audio |
ConnectAudioMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Set audio |
Enabling audio (In this case, speakers cannot be disabled.) |
hwmconf_inmeeting_disconnect_audio |
DisconnectAudioMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Disconnect audio |
Disconnecting audio in a meeting to disable speakers |
hwmconf_inmeeting_hands_up_toast |
HandsUpOrDownMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Raise hand/Lower hand |
Used by a participant/attendee to raise or lower their hand during a meeting |
hwmconf_inmeeting_simul_interpret |
InterpretMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Interpret |
Setting the simultaneous interpretation language |
hwmconf_inmeeting_invite_btn |
InviteMoreMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Invite |
Inviting participants |
hwmconf_inmeeting_recording_start |
OpenOrCloseRecordMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Recording |
Enabling or pausing cloud recording during a meeting |
hwmconf_participant_release_host |
ReleaseOrRequestChairManMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Apply for be host/Relinquish host role |
Applying for being the host or relinquishing the host role |
hwmconf_more_menu_start_or_stop_share |
StartOrStopShareMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Share |
Initiating or stopping screen sharing during a meeting |
hwmconf_subtitle_btn |
SubtitlesMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Enable captions |
Enabling or disabling live caption translation during a meeting |
hwmconf_more_menu_switch_camera |
SwitchCameraMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Switch camera |
Switching between the front and rear cameras |
hwmconf_inmeeting_virtual_bg |
VirtualBackgroundMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Virtual background |
Setting a virtual background during a meeting |
Settings menu |
hwmconf_confsetting_camera_direction |
RouterMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Auto (Camera direction) |
Setting the camera shooting angle during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_network_detect |
RouterMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Network detection |
Checking the current network environment during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_camera_restriction |
RouterMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Camera permissions |
Used by the host to allow or forbid participants to enable the camera or force all participants to enable the camera |
hwmconf_confsetting_local_record_permission |
RouterMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Local recording for |
Used by the host to open recording to only the host, everyone, or specific participants |
hwmconf_confsetting_beauty |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Beautification |
Enabling beauty filters during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_video_mirror |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Video mirroring |
Enabling video mirroring during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_hide_self |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
My feed |
Displaying your feed in the upper right corner during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_noise_reduction |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Noise reduction |
Filtering out ambient sounds to make your voice clearer in the noisy environment |
hwmconf_confsetting_high_resolution |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
HD preferred |
Prioritizing HD video during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_whistle_detection |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Auto mute if feedback detected |
Automatically muting the microphone when feedback is detected during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_lock_meeting |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Lock meeting |
Locking a meeting to allow users to join the meeting only when they are invited by the host |
hwmconf_confsetting_enable_waiting_room |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Waiting room |
Enabling/Disabling the waiting room. When the waiting room is enabled, guests cannot join the meeting until the host admits them. |
hwmconf_confsetting_allow_unmute |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Unmute |
Used by the host to allow participants to unmute themselves during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_allow_sharing |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Share screen |
Allowing only the host or everyone to share content during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_allow_rename |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Rename |
Used by the host to allow participants to rename themselves during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_enable_brighten |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Adjust lighting |
Improving video experience when lighting is poor |
hwmconf_confsetting_allow_open_camera |
SwitchMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Enable camera |
Used by the host to allow participants to enable or disable the camera |
hwmconf_confsetting_picture_ratio |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Video ratio |
Using adaptive/original video aspect ratio during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_allow_join_conf |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Open to |
Used by the host to set the scope of users (everyone, corporate users, or invited users) who can join a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_preempt_share_type |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Sharing interruption |
Used by the host to allow or forbid a participant to stop sharing of another participant and start new sharing |
hwmconf_confsetting_chat_permission |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Chat settings |
Used by the host to allow participants to chat freely or with the host only, disable direct messaging, or disable chats for all |
hwmconf_confsetting_subtitles_language |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Caption translation |
Setting the caption language to Chinese, English, or German during a meeting |
hwmconf_confsetting_chat_message_remind |
TextMenu |
HWMPermission\src\main\res\values\ut_ids.xml |
Message notifications |
Notifying chat messages on the screen or as pop-ups, or disabling notifications |
Menu bar in the upper right corner of the participant list |
hwmconf_participant_participants_add |
ContantMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/more/ |
Contacts |
Accessing the custom address book |
hwmconf_participant_download_link_share |
ParticipantShareMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/more/ |
Share |
Sharing the meeting details |
Menus displayed after tapping a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_admit |
AdmitMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Admit |
Used by the host to admit a member in the waiting room to a meeting |
hwmconf_menu_attendee_profile |
AttendeeProfileMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
View profile |
Viewing details about a participant (You can call the IUserProfileHandle API to customize the redirection to the participant details screen.) |
hwmconf_participant_item_auto_admit |
AutoAdmitMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Auto admit to meeting |
Used by the host to allow a user to automatically join a meeting without waiting |
hwmconf_ctrl_back_to_main_conf |
BackToMainConfMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Return to main session |
Used by a participant to return to the main session from a breakout room |
hwmconf_participant_item_broadcast |
BroastAndCacelMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Broadcast/Cancel broadcast |
Used by the host to broadcast a participant or cancel broadcast |
hwmconf_participant_item_call_other_numbers |
CallOtherNumberMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Call other number |
Dialing another number of a participant during a meeting |
hwmconf_ctrl_end_conf |
EndConfMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
End for all |
Used by the host to end a meeting for all participants |
hwmconf_participant_item_hang_up |
HangupMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Disconnect |
Used by the host to disconnect a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_invite_screen_share |
InviteOrCancelShareMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Invite to share |
Used by the host to invite a participant to share content |
hwmconf_ctrl_leave_conf |
LeaveConfMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Leave |
Used by a participant to leave a meeting or the waiting room |
hwmconf_participant_item_move_to_waiting_room |
MoveToWaitingRoomMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Move to waiting room |
Used by the host to move a participant to the waiting room |
hwmconf_participant_item_mute_unmute |
MuteOrUnmuteMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Mute/Unmute |
Used by the host to mute or unmute a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_chat_with |
PrivateChatMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Direct message |
Direct messaging a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_redial |
RecallMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Call |
Used by the host to call a participant again |
hwmconf_participant_item_remove |
RemoveMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Remove |
Used by the host to remove a participant |
hwmconf_menu_rename |
RenameMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Rename |
Renaming a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_report |
ReportMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Report |
Reporting a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_watch |
SelectWatchOrCacnelMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Focus/Cancel focus |
Focusing on a participant or cancelling focusing |
hwmconf_menu_set_attendee |
SetAttendeeMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Set as attendee |
Used by the host to set a panelist as an attendee in a webinar |
hwmconf_participant_item_set_chair |
SetChairmanMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Set as host |
Used by the host to transfer the host role to a participant |
hwmconf_participant_item_set_cohost |
SetOrCancelCoHostMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Set as co-host |
Used by the host to set a participant as a co-host |
hwmconf_menu_set_panelist |
SetPaneListMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Set as panelist |
Used by a webinar host to set an attendee as a panelist |
hwmconf_menu_allow_speak_or_not |
AllowSpeakerOrNotMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Block unmute |
Used by the host to forbid a participant to unmute |
hwmconf_participant_allow_unmute_self |
AllowUnmuteOrNotMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Allow unmute |
Used by the host to allow a participant to unmute |
hwmconf_participant_item_local_record |
GrantOrCancelLocalRecordMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Allow recording |
Used by the host to allow or forbid a participant to perform local recording |
hwmconf_ctrl_trans_chair_and_leave_conf |
TransferChairAndLeaveMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/item/ |
Assign host & leave |
Used by the host to assign a new host and leave a meeting (You can use the openSDKConfig.setSupportTransferChairOnLeave(true) method to display this button. true: displays the button. false (default value): hides the button.) |
Menu bar at the bottom of the participant list |
hwmconf_participant_unmute_all |
CancelAllMuteMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Unmute all |
Used by the host to unmute all participants |
hwmconf_participant_bottom_hands_down |
HandsDownMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Lower hand |
Used by a guest to lower their hand or by the host to lower participant hands |
hwmconf_participant_bottom_hands_up |
HandsupMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Raise hand |
Used by a guest to raise their hand |
hwmconf_participant_more_btn |
MoreMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
More |
More buttons on the menu bar at the bottom of the participant list |
hwmconf_participant_mute_all |
MuteAllMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Mute all |
Used by the host to mute all participants |
hwmconf_participant_apply_chair |
RequestChairmanMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Apply to be host |
Used by a guest to apply for being the host |
hwmconf_participant_admit_all |
AdmitAllMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Admit all |
Admit all waiting members to the meeting |
hwmconf_participant_remove_all |
RemoveAllMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Remove all |
Remove all members from the waiting room |
hwmconf_participant_call_all |
CallAllMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/participant/toolbar/ |
Call all |
Call all absent participants (Use the ICallAllAttendeesStrategy class to customize the event of touching this button.) |
More menu bar at the bottom of the participant list |
hwmconf_participant_lock_meeting |
LockOrUnlockConfMenu |
com/huawei/hwmconf/presentation/dependency/menu/buildin/more/ |
Lock meeting |
Locking a meeting to allow users to join the meeting only when they are invited by the host |
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