Help Center/ Meeting/ Client SDK Reference/ Electron SDK/ APIs/ Meeting Control Objects/ Subscribing to Poor Network Connection Notifications
Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to Poor Network Connection Notifications


This API is used to subscribe to poor network connection notifications.

Function Prototype

setOnPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotifyCB(onPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotify: (poorNetWorkInfo: PoorNetWorkQualityInfo) => void): voidsetOnPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotifyCB(onPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotify: (poorNetWorkInfo: PoorNetWorkQualityInfo) => void): void

Request Parameters

Table 1 Input parameter description
Parameter Mandatory Type Description
onPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotify Yes (poorNetWorkInfo: PoorNetWorkQualityInfo) => void Notification about poor network connection.

Return Values


Notification Method Parameters

(poorNetWorkInfo: PoorNetWorkQualityInfo) => void

Table 2 Input parameter description
Parameter Type Description
poorNetWorkInfo PoorNetWorkQualityInfo Type of poor network connection.
Table 3 PoorNetWorkQualityInfo
Parameter Type Description
nickName string Participant name.
number string Number. If this parameter is set to the SIP number (for example, +99111244216210249) allocated to the account, the Huawei Cloud Meeting app is called. If this parameter is set to a PSTN number (for example, 18700000000), the number is called through the VoIP gateway if the enterprise has enabled PSTN call. This parameter is used for account and password authentication. Either this parameter or thirdUserId must be set.
thirdUserId string Third-party user ID. This parameter is used for app ID authentication. Either this parameter or number must be set.
accountId string Huawei Cloud Meeting account.
isLocal boolean Whether the participant is the local client user.
audioStatus LowNetWorkStatusInfo Network status of audio.
videoStatus LowNetWorkStatusInfo Network status of video.
shareStatus LowNetWorkStatusInfo Network status of sharing.
Table 4 LowNetWorkStatusInfo
Parameter Type Description
packetLoss number Packet loss rate.
delay number Delay.
jitter number Jitter.
status LowNetWorkStatus Network status.
Table 5 Enumerated values of LowNetWorkStatus
Enumeration Name Enumerated Value Description